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Obsession Calvin Klein Image

Calvin Klein


184 Reviews

Oriental, Spicy, Sweet-Ambery. Created in 1985, Obsession for women is a refreshing, oriental, fragrance. It's fragrant nature explores essences of mandarin, bergamot and peach. Blended with notes of lemon, jasmine and oakmoss, Obsession is recommended as a evening fragrance.

100 ml Shower Gel
SKU 10566   
¥2,745.92 ¥1,613.63
41% Add To Cart
100 ml EDP Spray
SKU 1162
¥9,691.49 ¥6,459.38
33% Add To Cart

Oriental, Spicy, Sweet-Ambery. Created in 1985, Obsession for women is a refreshing, oriental, fragrance. It's fragrant nature explores essences of mandarin, bergamot and peach. Blended with notes of lemon, jasmine and oakmoss, Obsession is recommended as a evening fragrance.

  • ANNA MARIE10/28/2013

    I hadn't worn this in many years and I was reading an article about the "best perfumes ever" and of course, Obsession was on the list. So, I bought a bottle of the edp and wow, I can't stop smelling myself... Yes, definitely a cold weather perfume and definitely a keeper.

  • SUSIE12/30/2012

    I had received it as a gift - and to me it smells awful! It's too spicy and slightly masculine smelling. It's just not me!

  • BRENDA HITT09/13/2012

    Excellent product.

  • SUKO02/10/2012

    This has been my mother's go-to fragrance for many years and when she ran out it was possible that the world would come to an end. Fortunately, disaster was averted with a quick and easy purchase from Perfume Emporium! Thanks!

  • KERRY03/23/2011

    Obsession has been my only perfume for years and I have got nothing but compliments. People are alway saying how lovely I smell so to TERRIBLE, not nice to insult people because your body oils don't mix with it. Quick tip, spray in hair and on clothes, don't put on your skin. This is how it smells great.

  • ROSE11/19/2010

    Obsession is terrible. Old women, ladies of the night and trampolina's. It is there signature scent.

  • MARLY 09/18/2010

    My daughters and I all chose Obsession at the same time without consulting each other. I always got comments on it. Now it's blah and smells like cheap stuff. No depth. Waaah..

  • KATHERINE06/22/2010

    Obsession always has been and always will be sexy. I like to wear a spritz or two over a layer of cocoa butter lotion.

  • MISSPINK06/04/2010

    where can I find obsession powder for women

  • JACKIE04/18/2010

    Definitely my favorite essence

  • JAN05/01/2009

    I wore Onsession during the '90's and loved it. Today, at the mall, I sprayed it on mt wrist, and wondered what I ever saw in it. Not for me. At present, I enjoy Coco. Much more class.

  • JONM03/26/2009

    I first noticed Obsession on my (then future) wife in Europe. Perhaps if she had worn anything else I could have resisted... perhaps. Alas, she wore Obsession and I had to kiss her, had to have her in my arms. The warm, sensuous fragrance Obsession made when it mingled with her own feminine fragrance was intoxicating and insistent. She became my obsession.

  • WILDFLOWER02/08/2009

    Is it me or has anyone else ever noticed this? I'll try a perfume at the store, then I'll go home and I can smell it on me for the rest of the day. Then, when I buy it, it fades within an hour or two. Do they put concentrated versions of the perfumes in the testers as a sales tactic? Or am I imagining this repetitive phenomenon?

  • MANDYCAT11/09/2008

    I've been browsing perfumes and then I came upon this one and whoa such the controversy! must be a good fragrance...seems to me a lot of women associate this one with me its a very fall, earthy seductive gotta be in the right mood to wear it kinda perfume. it smells weird with my body chemistry though.

  • ELAINE10/21/2008

    I love Obsession Powder but have not been able to find it anywhere. Has it been discontinued? HELP

  • SYLVIE10/05/2008

    Hi Judy, sorry, I forgot to read your message first. Yes, I agree with you: They changed the formulation!!! Hate that too. Best wishes, Sylvie.

  • SYLVIE10/05/2008

    They changed the bottle-design (the brown cap is now separate and transparent) and they even watered this beautiful fragrance down!!! I can't believe it, but my beloved classic Obsession smells not so voluptuous, round and sexy as it smells when it came out in the 80ies. I have an old bottle and a new one so I can smell the difference. Did anyone noticed???

  • ADRIANA03/20/2008

    ...puts me and my man in the mood, and fast! One of the sexiest perfumes on the market today.

  • ~BOHEMIANGIRL~03/20/2008

    Obsession may be a cliche, but it still works its magic on men. It and Opium have elicited the most favorable comments from men out of the many perfumes I wear. If seduction is your game, Obsession will help you win.

  • DAWN02/24/2008

    Since you're the fragrance guru girl, what fragrances are absolutely "wonderful" since this one is so absolutely "awful". Which one do you wear girl so we can all run and get it and smell as good as you? You're a little too superior for me.

  • BELLA01/21/2008

    Obsession, is sensual about 15-20 minutes after it is sprayed. I love to smell this on myself and other women. If you can pull this one off, you are a sensual sex bomb. If it works with your chemistry it should smell like slightly spicy and warm skin. ** Ladies, young and old, all the 80's comments are so passe. I mean, really. We are beyond this by now, no?

  • MARJORIE01/17/2008

    Fabulous, long lasting. On a daily basis someone says "you smell so good." Men LOVE this scent.

  • JUDI W*09/17/2007

    I just got a 1.7 oz bottle off of ebay, that came in a sealed box. It smells different than it used to. I know they tweaked it a bit. At first spray, it is harsher than I remembered it to be, and I'm really upset with all these perfume companies, "changing" their formulations. Especially the classic scents that have been around for a long time, and that definitely did NOT need to be changed. So many one's that I loved, smell similar, but not as quality as they used to be. HATE THAT!!!! Just to make sure, it wasn't just my bottle that was different, I went to Sephora's & spritzed me some, and it smelled as yucky as mine did. The drydown isn't as bad, but it still isn't the same. Idiots...

  • JOANNAH09/17/2007

    I really have thought about your comment:-) Hub's a CK loyalist (I'm a Lancome loyalist) he always persuades me to buy CK and I do because I want him to like what I wear but we both agree that CK just don't do the same on my skin as they do on him. This one is certainly less forgettable than many other contemporary modern scents. I wouldn't tell people not to buy it and it's good for its price but it'll never be a signature scent of mine. I'm broke at this time so this may be the best I can afford this winter.

  • JUDI W*07/30/2007

    I remember when Obsession first came out, I liked it then, but not as much as now. I remember going to this private perfume store, and the owner said that this was the most popular scent with men liking it on their women. This guy I was dating then, (what's dating?) was ga-ga over it, some people love it, and some don't, it's one of those kind of scents, but you have to admit, it's an original. Most scents today lack the depth & character this one has. It is a "grown up" scent, but not "old lady", but a mature "girl" with taste would like this too, while all her friends are liking the "pink" stuff.

  • ADRIANA07/28/2007

    I have to laugh at the comments that this is a "loud 80's" scent or "smells like old lady" coming from the same people wearing Prada, Angel, Flowerbomb, Trouble, Addict, Lolita Lempicka...equally strong (or in some cases, stronger) perfumes than Obsession! Dating a fragrance because it is "heavy" is ridiculous. There's a good chance that in twenty years people will be calling Angel an "old lady" scent, so let it go and judge a perfume by its merits rather than when it was created. I like Obsession, men love it, so it's a keeper for me.

  • SMELLIE KAT07/24/2007

    Here's what cracks me up about Obsession: I was doing my "single 20's" thing in the 80's and it never dawned on me to try Obsession (at that time I was wearing Enigma and the orignial Perry Ellis). So, here I am, 20 years later, discovering it for the FIRST time. I love it, and it's a perfect match for my body chemistry. I have and adore many others, such as Parfum Sacre, Poeme, Ambre Sultan, Tea for Two, L'heure bleue, L'Elephant, Hiris, Burberry, etc., etc., etc. Obsession is especially delightful because it is such a surprise that I have spent ALL THESE YEARS without its company. It's new to me and I couldn't be happier that we're a perfect match.

  • CHANDRA05/16/2007

    The most wonderful fragrance. For the woman who is sensual and unafraid. Doesn't go with everyone's chemistry, nor for the unemotional, tepid woman, Obsession is a beautiful warm fragrance that evokes mystery and sensuality like no other. Those that can't hang go do your little weak flowery thing and move on. Peace.

  • SUSY05/04/2007

    Someone wearing this can just walk by and I will start feeling a horrible headache. I can not be around it without holding my breath. Seems like most people think this fragrance should be applied liberally, too.

  • CYNTHIA04/24/2007

    I don't know what they were thinking when they came up with this so called "fragrance". I can smell someone wearing it from ten feet away, and believe me, I can't get away from it fast enough. It just makes me want to heave...absolutely AWFUL!

  • SANDEE04/22/2007

    I just love this scent. Once it drys down, it wears forever. If you can wear spicy fragrances, try it. If you are a floral type, this one may not work for you.

  • JENNIFER04/13/2007

    An intense, memorable fragrance. I once wore it for six months straight. I got a lot of compliments. People remember it when you wear it. Not a scent for the faint of heart.

  • JUDI W*04/05/2007

    You know what, Kate? You sound adorable, and mature for your age. It's weird, but I don't think it's as inappropriate when a young girl wears a sophisticated scent, as when a woman tries to wear a girly fragrance (Pink Sugar is a good example) Probably, because you are moving forward, towards being a woman, and if your a woman, why try to go back, you can't. That's just my opinion. I don't really care what people wear, but honestly, I don't think there is anything wrong with you having good taste in perfume. Wear what you like & enjoy it...

  • SMELLIE KAT04/01/2007

    Wow. Any perfume that attracts this kind of passionate attention (positive and negative) is a must-have for any serious perfume collector. I tried Obsession today for the first time. Before it had a chance to dry down and reveal its lovely base notes, my husband said, "you really smell good" without knowing what it was. I realized today that my perfume "stash" would not be complete without Obsession. Call it wonderful, call it disgusting; it defines a time in history and is a classic BECAUSE of the controversy it creates. Doesn't matter if you love it or despise it - Obsession is here to stay.

  • KATE03/30/2007

    i am 20 years old and I like this fragrance. but I have seen on this board and heard from other people that this fragrance is too mature for someone my age. I hate that we have rules for when it is okay to wear our fragrances (based on time of day, season, or our age) I usually just put on whatever fits my mood and my outfit. I really like orientals like obsession and ciara, but I have gotten comments that I smell like an "old lady" when i wear them. it sort of made me think twice before wearing these because I want my fragrance to fit who I am. what do you think? btw, this fragrance is sexy to me and not old at all.

  • JUDI W*03/28/2007

    I think it smells similar to Prada, but your right, Prada is sweeter. I think Obsession is sweet enough, without anymore sweetness added. I won a bottle on ebay, suppose to get the toilette or cologne & got the parfum. I'm not sure if it was different, as much as more concentrated, but I do still like it after all these years. In fact, I like it more now, than when it first came out. I remember when it first came out, men were going nuts over this scent. The lady at this perfume store I went to said, that this was the most popular scent with the men (at that time) When something is good, it's good forever...

  • PERFUME PERSON02/28/2007

    This one lasts and lasts. It is great in cold weather. I like it at the dry down about 1/2 hour after sprayed.

  • RYAN02/26/2007

    It is February 26, 2007 and I just experienced Obession for the very first time. I had read reviews on other sites comparing Prada woman to Obsession. I know the signature Prada scent very well, and thought there was no way they were similar. Wow, was I wrong! I went over to a department store and tried Prada on one arm and Obsession on the other. Incredible . . . they were almost identical. The only difference is that Prada slightly sweeter. How funny is it that so many comments here entertain the notion that because a fragrance is a little older (22 years is old?), that it is no longer considered a hot fragrance? Well, I am here to give a little different point of view. In one corner Prada, 2004, and in the other, Obsession, 1985. So many similarites in a "modern" fragrance and one that many people here consider "old and grandma like." I agree with previous individuals that a scent is about how you feel, how you take in the wonderful experience it offers, not if it is "new" or "old." And, it definitely does say something that the product is still selling strong 22 years after inception. Happy smelling!

  • SHILOH01/31/2007

    I car pool with a woman who wears this fragrance. Really stinks! I must have the window open in order not to vomit...especially early in the morning!

  • MANDY01/22/2007

    Strange how the slightest wiff of a remembered fragrance can invoke so many feelings and memories for us humans... I love a beautiful oriental fragrance and Obsession is exactly that..I've had many compliments about it when I do wear it which is not very often. I find that I have to be in the mood to pull it off...Has anyone else noticed how many authors have mentioned this fragrance? Vampire hunters and telapathics and strippers seem to enjoy this one....giggle....I love obsession..OH and one more truly comes alive with sweat....seriously sexy scent...just F.Y.I

  • JULIETTE12/12/2006

    A very rich scent. It is warm, even elegant, and I think very romantic. Roses and spices...with vanilla. I do not like the name, however the scent is wonderful to wear on cold days.

  • BIANCA12/09/2006

    There is a plasticky note in this that smells so outdated. I don't really like any perfumes made in the 80s as they are too heavy. It would be a nice warm vanilla without that plastic note.

  • VAL11/29/2006

    Ill be honest when I got obsession as a gift, I wasnt completely in love with it. I like the sweet fresh perfumes. It reminded me of something a man would wear. I was hesitant to wear it but really did like the guy who bought it for me so I tried it. I was amazed at how wonderfully it mixed with my body chemistry to smell so different. I had never recieved so many positive comments on any cologne that I have worn. Everytime I wear it I get some kind of wonderful comment. I think the trick is to go lightly with this though. It is very strong especally when you first apply it but it does lighten. The one (not so) original comment I have heard from the guys repeatedly is "I'm obsessed" when I tell them what I am wearing. I have read some of the posts about the prodcut and all I can say is perfume or cologne do not smell the same on every body and they do not smell the same to every person. I see no reason for any argument either you like it or you dont. I am pleased to say I love it.

  • KATHY11/08/2006

    Is it just me, or do others who wear this scent often have trouble smelling it on themselves after a while? It seems to blend so well with my body chemistry that I don't feel like I am wearing anything at all ... though I do get tons of compliments, and I notice that a lot of the men at work try to move in closer to get a whiff!

  • DOLLY DAGGER10/28/2006

    I noticed your older post ,you thought "Robin" was so clever with her posts.(obnoxious, was more like it)Now, in your updated post, you are defending this scent.(because YOU now rediscovered it?) In my opinion, NO ONE has the right to be down right nasty about a fragrance, and insult other people's tastes. It's not necessary, in order to review a scent. It's not being "over sensitive", to feel annoyed by this behavior. No one has to tolerate rude people. P.S. I like Obsession, and don't give a hoot, what anyone has to say about that!!!

  • DAWN09/14/2006

    I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that does wear it well. It has always smelled good on me, at least I'm told this from women too. I've always loved it and don't wear it often, but when I do I am always complimented on it. As with anything, it's a matter of personal choice and if it fits your body chemistry or taste then wear it, if not, then don't. But try it first, don't listen to any of the snide comments here, go to the counter, try it and judge it for yourself. Better yet, have your man with you when you do. The drydown is just wonderful if you do wear it well.

  • ELS09/11/2006

    When I first noticed Obsession on someone else I followed her through the room to ask the name of that wonderfull perfume. Bought it, but on me it smells horrible. I still like it on others, but when I put it on it just stinks. My advice: if you like Obsession, try it on first and buy it if it's still good on you.

  • LINDSAY07/20/2006

    I had a trial sample of this and the smell was sooo bad. I dont know how anyone could like it. It literally makes me want to throw up when I smell it. When I first tried it I had to wash if off because it smelled so bad, but it didn't wash off!

  • MARIE07/05/2006

    I discovered this one when it came out - I love orientals and think this one is magnificent! One of my top favorites.

  • GRETCHEN06/03/2006

    I had tried this one before, but it was the edt- seemed a bit on the harsh side, not bad, didn't pique my curiosity. Filed the idea away. Then I saw a mini in a store today of the edp- it was a cold, rainy day, felt adventurous, so I bought it. Cautiously put one spritz on my wrist (still recovering from my Giorgio experience a month ago!). Oh wow- just one spritz is needed to feel soft and enveloped. It is sweet (the amber?), which I normally can't stand in a scent- but not in a cotton-candy sicky sweet way- with an unrivaled spiciness... Maybe I just picked the right day to try it again, it had been a stressful week, and the scent calmed me- even nasty drivers didn't faze me! On the other hand, I would wear this on a first date- let the man know just what he's getting into. Just beautiful. Try with an open mind and no preconceived notions and a light hand....ahhhh....

  • JULIE06/02/2006

    Okay, let me get this straight, you love this fragrance & you feel really good wearing it, but maybe you shouldn't, because it seems more like a "brunette fragrance?" Now, I've heard it all!!!! I live in a place, where most of the females are blonde, and I'm one of the few real brunettes left, and I could care less what color hair one has, it's your chemistry. If it smells good on you, (get compliments from others) and you like wearing it...NOTHING ELSE REALLY MATTERS, DOES IT???

  • GREEKGIRL06/01/2006

    I hadnt used this in a long time so decided to wear it one morning WELL MY HUSBAND COULDNT KEEP HIS HANDS OFF ME ALL DAY- according to him this is the sexiest fragrance ever created, this will always be a classic, ill always love it and never tire of it.

  • CHICBOHOGAL05/29/2006

    If you think the original Obsession is too much, try the Sheer version - it's beyond beautiful! Soft, light, and sexy. I'll wear the original in the winter and the Sheer in the summer. Obsession is the only CK scent I enjoy. Well done!

  • TRESCHIC05/19/2006

    I'm a woman in her late thirties, and I'm SO tired of all the new fragrances that make me smell like a fruit basket doused in sugar - yuck! I want my perfume to project an aura of sexiness and sophistication, and Obsession certainly fits the bill! So what if it was popular in the 80s? Opium was used and abused in the 70s, but now it's considered a classic! Mind you, I wouldn't wear this to work (I'm a lawyer in a conservative firm), but for evenings this fragrance is tops, and I always receive tons of compliments from men. I think Obsession deserves to make a huge comeback - and only smart, sexy, sophisticated women need apply.

  • *BARBARA W*05/17/2006

    I was stunned by all of the compliments!! Given all of the negative associations people seem to have with Obsession (shoulder pads, big hair), I was truly expecting a mass revolt...but what I got were smiles and "MMMM what are you wearing?" When I told them, most people were shocked, and one man said he was going to run out to buy it for his wife! The trick with this one is a LIGHT, layered application. I used the shower gel, then the lotion, and only a tiny spritz of the EDP between the cleavage. Gives off a nice, warm, seductive aura. Men loved it. As I said in my earlier post, Obsession was the first perfume I fell in love with as a young woman, but then I ditched it for more "modern", hip fragrances (so sad!). Rediscovering this has been like meeting my old high school sweetheart and falling in love all over again. For those of you that dislike Obsession, give it another try with an open mind. Remember, young women will probably be bashing your beloved Angel (or whatever) 20 years from now...

  • ROCKI05/16/2006

    I really don't understand why there is always major negative comments when it's about a fragrance from the past. Obviously, it mostly comes from women under 35 years old, that seem to have a limited view of what fragrances should smell like. Most of the "designer" scents in the past 5 years or so, are VERY different in their notes than the previous ones. Very fruity, candyish, girlish types of smells, that some women seem to relate to now. Fine with me, if you like that stuff, but don't go judging others for liking the exotic scents. They're here to stay, and will probably make a comeback. Deal with it ladies...

  • ANGIE05/14/2006

    Nobody's saying you have to like a fragrance, but your comments are so childish & insulting. If everyone thought like you, there would be no appreciation for old cars, antiques, classic rock etc. Stop showing your limited knowledge, and just say you don't like the fragrance. Everything comes back again, so when the classic style fragrances come back, I'll be remembering your comments and laughing.

  • AVALYNN05/09/2006

    I recently read an article that women are tired of the clean, safe perfumes. I like them, but I want a perfume someone will remember me for, not a watered down version of fruit or flowers. Those all smell the same! You don't have to apply alot, but the voluptuous perfumes are making their comeback. I don't think it sets us back into the 80's. Most people below 30 don't even remember them anyway. I do think there is a difference in how women of different countries wear perfume. Just something to think about.

  • KRISTI05/09/2006

    Well, you see men do have an interest in women's fragrance. The majority of women wear perfume to seduce someone, whether it be a man or another woman. 90% or more of perfume's you and everyone else wear, are created by men. Think about that one;) These types of scents are not going away! Obsession will always be in the top selection of seducing scents.

  • REBECCA05/08/2006

    Where is obsession night? It's the best scent! Dreamy, mysterious, sensual, and I can't stop smelling myself with this on. It's the best out of the 3 obsessions to me, but that's a personal preference. The original has it's following. The ad for night is very hot. Notes include: bergamot, bitter orange, mandarin,white floral,angelica root, gardenia,night blooming jasmine,rose,muguet,tonka bean, vanilla,amber, labdanum, sandalwood, and cashmere wood. It's softer than what you normally think of as a "night" perfume, and does not smell anything like the first or second perfume. Bottle is the same, only light cobalt blue.

  • MONA04/20/2006

    No Thanks Rosaria, we have our own minds and can formulate our own thoughts but thanks anyway. This is a lovely fragrance, you've just got to be able to wear it well. You're just unable to pull it off and that's okay, you're allowed. Those of us that can will. You wear whatever it is that floats your boat dear and you keep your advice to yourself.

  • GRETCHEN04/15/2006

    Per your recommendation, I tried the Obsession and it was pleasant, but it's the amber note in it that makes it unwearable for me personally. Anything with amber in it smells very off with my body chemistry. As an oriental scent, I find it sophisticated- would be a great scent to wear for a night out!

  • MISSI04/10/2006

    Ok I just have to note on the fact that people are getting wound up because somebody does not like a certain scent...BIG DEAL, this is silly to get offended, c'mon do you lash out on your best friend because she doesn't dig chinese food the same way you might? Or because I like capri pants and maybe you don't? LOL If we all liked the same scent then maybe we'd get a lil ticked off cuz there would be no noticable differences in any of us.. Get for real and make your comments and leave other people alone why don't yas. =)

  • ABIGAIL04/05/2006

    Obsession is my sister's signature scent. Her husband is crazy for it. I don't care for it much, especially when she first puts it on, but it's not terrible. Chanel #5 is the worst.

  • JEFFGORDONFAN03/21/2006

    Awesome! Definitely get tons of compliments and my husband has become "obsessed" with me, too. Thanks, Calvin Klein.

  • HEATHER03/21/2006

    Obsession was the first perfume I ever fell in love with. I've been wearing it for 8 years, and I’ll problebly will forever. I must admit that the top notes aren’t that pleasant but the dry down is amazing. It’s warm, comforting and sexy. This is definitely a perfume that works with my chemistry, it might not be for everyone and I understand that, but I LOVE it. It is perfect for fall, winter and early spring, I live in Canada and it always makes me feel warm, as soon as the temperature hits blow 10 degrees C I bring my Obsession out of hiding.

  • ROSÁRIA03/19/2006

    I think this perfume is horrible! I was so dissapointed when I bought a bottle. I trusted the name Calvin Klein and unfortunatelly it was a waste of money.I don't know about the other fragances by CK , but this one is disgusting! Take my advice, don't buy it!

  • JAN03/18/2006

    Obsession is also very much like Must. You might sniff them both to compare with your Opera one.

  • GRETCHEN03/16/2006

    I had someone ask me today if I was wearing Obsession- it was actually my Phantom of the Opera perfume. I've actually never tried Obsession and the only similar notes between these 2 scents that I can't find seem to be the jasmine- hmmm. I'm curious- I will have to give Obsession a trial sniff next time in the store.

  • PERFUME-AHOLIC03/15/2006

    I have purchased this fragrance for my daughter (17) who was dying for a bottle of it. She'd been asking me for the longest if I'd had a chance to sample it as she is just crazy about it. This fragrance is not for me. While it's definitely not repulsive in nature, I find it to lean way more towards the masculine side, and could definitely at the very least, be a unisex scent. To those out there who like it however, do enjoy!

  • BILLYE T02/26/2006

    Yes, I know it's an oldie but it's still a goodie to me. One of my first "serious" perfumes and I still get compliments (especially from men) when I wear it. The down side is there are a few out there that need to realize less is more when it comes to perfume. I don't care what fragrance it is if applied too heavily will have a lasting negative impression. Applied sparingly Obsession wraps me in a warm blanket of soft sensuality. I love the spicy vanilla. Try Obesession Sheer also. A lighter version and very nice. If Obsession doesn't work for you it doesn't make you "wrong" just means something that probably won't smell good on me will smell "heaven scent" on you. May everyone's life be filled with the warm scents that brings them peace and happiness.

  • DEBWOOD02/23/2006

    I agree with AnnaMaria.It's hard to find a scent that can stand up to OB and ET.Not many out there!You can't go wrong with them,and you get your moneys worth.They have staying power like you would not believe! Another scent that I will add to them is Gucci Rush.

  • KATHY02/06/2006

    I bought it and got it home. I had it for 2 days and had my husband return it to the sore. I found it just too over powering and it was having a bad effect on my sinuses! Just wasn't meant for me!

  • ANNAMARIA01/25/2006

    I am beginning to realise that like fashion, we grow up with a certain type of perfume, and tend to identify with it everafter. I have tried and tried so many perfumes it's shameful, and I am starting to turn back to the perfumes I first wore when I began working and had money for the first time - Obsession and Eternity. Theyre not too heavy or cloying (if applied sparingly), nor are they really musky or fruity. It's so hard to find a perfume that is special, reflects who you are, but isn't so "out there" that other people back away from you. Obsession is a really warm and deep perfume and I think it's great. I'm 43.

  • LEE ANN01/18/2006

    I am 45 and my sister is 42 and we both wear Obsession and like it. I stopped wearing it briefly in past but came back to it and still love it. Great scent

  • FROFRO01/14/2006

    Yes, you heard me. Obsession, whether you like it or not, is one of the New Classics. Personally, I agree that it was _the_ best scent Calvin ever made (although I did like the rest, too). The problem is this is a WOMAN'S perfume. No offense to those who don't like it, but the secret is using it correctly - an art surprisingly few women have mastered. And no, I do not mean walking through a cloud of perfume. Obsession just isn't as forgiving of mistakes as other fragrances with less character are. They should start an "Obsession-wearing" school. ;)

  • KATHY01/10/2006

    So...I went out and bought a gift set of Obsession this afternoon! It has a 3.4 oz.of perfume and a small body lotion and shower gel. Can't wait to use this in the shower!

  • KATHY01/07/2006

    All these years and today was the first time I have even smell this perfume! I didn't expect much when I sprayed this in the store.. 99 percent of what I sample when I go to the store, I can't wait to get home so I can wash it off. Sometimes, I will even find a washroom before I get home and scrub the perfumes off. But, this one is not bad at all. It is warm and spicy, like a true oriental should be, not like these vanilla types! It remeinds me very much of Timeless by Avon. I am not sure I would buy this, but I have to say honestly, I would wear this before I would think of wearing most of what is out there today.This would not take much, or like most perfumes, it would be over bearing. I think 2 sprays would be plenty for the day.I would like to smell Obsession Sheer! I would rate this some where between average and good, so I am going to go with four stars instead of three..Only because I didn't wash this one off. I rather enjoyed the one spray on the wrist.

  • JILLAINE01/02/2006

    I'm still waiting for PE to offer the new 'Obsession Nights' version, but in the mean time . . . Any thoughts from those out there on this new (and very different) fragrance. Would love to read some opinions of it!

  • DENNIS12/29/2005

    It's pure sex in a bottle. Calvin Klein should have stopped making fragrance after he coined this gem. It's timeless, and is wonderful when worn on the right sizzling woman. IMHO, the best perfume created in the whole 80's decade.

  • DARCY12/28/2005

    obsession should only be worn by people who like a deep, powdery, strong, musky smell. I recommend that people who actually like this perfume to wear it for evenings only, and with caution because too much of it can be nauseously overwhelming.

  • KIMBERLY12/27/2005

    I love this scent and always get asked what perfume am I wearing with this scent. It must work well with my chemistry because it smells great and men love it!

  • ROBIN 12/27/2005

    Barbara, thank you SO much for your reassuring sense of integrity and your true, good-hearted wisdom -- and your kind word about my posts. You've warmed my heart and restored my faith; what a lovely Christmas present to those of us who just want to love fragrance (and express ourselves frankly without fear of nasty backlash) !!! I can't thank you enough.

  • BLONDIE12/25/2005

    I cant get enuff of the scent of obsession, i love that deep, powdery, full smell.. But to my dismay, i have the feelign it is just not the scent for me.. Im a blonde and think its more of a brunette smell.

  • STACEY12/23/2005

    I'm sorry if your offended by my opinion. However, it is my opinion and it is a shame you can't handle a young woman's opinion on this particular fragrance. I guess you must be over 40, or I'm sorry to say it but you have bad taste in fragrances (shame on you, and your mom for giving you such bad taste). Try something more fresh and uplifting. Maybe by doing so, your mood will uplift and you won't be soooo grumpy and offended over someone's opinion. Like Barbara said, "Relax."

  • COQEE12/23/2005

    This perfume is simply nasty. I was in a car with a female who was drenched in this perfume. I felt like I was going to pass out and drive off the road. I couldn't stand it I felt like I was on a date with a senior citizen. Please ladies try something else. Unless your going on to your 80th birthday.....

  • *BARBARA W*12/21/2005

    Wow, it's awful the way some people can get so nasty on this site. Relax! It's only perfume, not politics! (And Robin, I love your posts, so keep 'em coming). But think about it...all anyone can give is their *opinion* about a perfume, because fragrance is so subjective...and opinions DO change...there are some perfumes I now love that I would never have considered wearing in my 20s, and vice versa. Regarding offensive perfume, it is usually how MUCH you put on, not the scent itself. Any scent will smell awful if you drench yourself in it (which I think alot of people do with Obsession, Opium, etc.). More is not better, especially with orientals. Perfume should be subtle and intriguing; people should want to come closer to you, not run away! Anyway, I think it helps to remember to relax and enjoy the world of perfume. It's one of the few truly decadent, personal ways to indulge ourselves. Isn't that why we're all here?? :)

  • DIANE12/21/2005

    I have been wearing Obsession since the day it debuted in Bloomingdale's and to this day, I am asked what it is I'm wearing. EVERYONE loves it!

  • CARLA12/13/2005

    It will be interesting to know what you will wear when you are an "old lady.' Evidently your mother failed to teach you respect for mature people. Shame on her...and you.

  • STACEY12/04/2005

    Obsession should be worn only for people the age of 40 and above. The smell is too strong and musky!

  • WORKS FOR ME12/03/2005

    Always asked what I am wearing and get responses like " I'M Obsesses with your Obsession." Just called smokin hot smelling! Used for 20 years.

  • LAURA11/20/2005

    Wow, I can't believe some of the postings on here, some of you are so angry when someone states they do not like it and some of you need a tissue if they dissagree and make the same rude remarks back because they do like it. It is either tasteless and outdated or the most seductive fragrance ever made there does not seem to be much in between. However, it is only a fragrance girls don't take it so personally either way, it's just a consumer product.

  • ROBIN 11/17/2005

    Gee, you guys, I wish you'd be a little kinder. Your comments are hurtful. I'm not a fan of character assassinations on the board, or anywhere, for that matter, and I certainly do not engage in them. Never have. Please re-read my posts if you need clarification on that point. In fact, take a look around the other products and read all my messages; while I certainly don't hold back on my opinions -- that's what it's all about, and I love it when other speak their minds, even (especially!) when I disagree; it just makes for livelier debate -- I try to keep things on a general level, and I have never, ever launched a personal diatribe against anybody. In fact, I'm hugely, happily supportive of many other contributors here, and my numerous friendly posts are all the evidence you need to be clear on that score. So please, please, think about your own responsibility to help make this an energetic, non-threatening, non-harming and enlightening place to share ideas. Please think twice before you attack anyone else personally; it hurts, and it's uncalled for. I see by some of the recent messages here that I have no shortage of support on that score, so I'm pretty confident I'm on solid ground here. Please take care.

  • *BARBARA W*11/15/2005

    Obsession was my first serious oriental perfume. I bought this in my early twenties, and wore it to work (wouldn't do that today! LOL). However, I did land my husband with it - after we were married, he admitted to following me around the office like a puppy dog just to get a whiff! :) Sigh, the marriage didn't last, and now I can't wear this because it reminds me of that time...but have fun with it, girls! Just please, go easy - this smells awful if you put too much on.

  • BETH11/11/2005

    Funny how the people that criticize you for merely speaking your mind are the ones who are actually levelling very personal criticisms against you. That's called hypocrisy. I've seen your other posts and they're always honest and forthright. Please don't feel bad when others attack you at the same time they claim to be offended by your comments. That's just pure ignorance. Do you hear that, everybody else?????

  • LIZZIE11/11/2005

    God created us all different. There's no need to be insulting and slap labels on people who like a fragrance you don't. If a perfume is still around 20 years after its launch, 80 years after its launch, it's because enough people still like it to make it worth producing. So wear what suits you but leave off slagging off those with different taste!

  • SUSAN11/06/2005

    Stating that a fragrance should not be worn because of a time when it came out is just rediculous. I suppose this type of thinking would put a halt on a lot of classics like Chanel No. 5, Green Irish Tweed and COUNTLESS other classic high style fragrances. If you feel that you cannot wear a fragrance because it was not produced within the last year or two than you will never find anything that is a signature fragrance. People should rate fragrances on the characteristics of the fragrance itself not the time period.

  • RUTHIE11/03/2005

    I love the smell of Obsession and I wear it for my own olfactory pleasure! The body lotion is even more powdery than the spray - pure nasal heaven. Why do so many people want to criticize others and their perfume choices?! A good smell is always a good smell - it's gotta beat body odour anyday!

  • ERIC11/02/2005

    I don't wear women fragrances beautiful (I'm sure you have inner beauty) I just enjoy smelling this particular fragrance on women. I've always loved the smell since it came out. Don't know why or what it is about it, I'm sure there is a bevy of reasons, but the fragrance smells sexy. There are others I love on women but this one is in my top 5 for women. Don't try emasculating me because I love to smell this fragrance. I like to smell the men's obsession also, but can't wear it cause it doesn't mix with my body chemistry and makes me smell like an old man. But you wear whichever marsh water you find that suits you okay.

  • SHAHARRA10/21/2005

    Obsession, of course is not for everyone, but I love the heady notes. Beautfiul scent....have brought several times.

  • CRYSTAL10/19/2005

    This Robin person definitely has issues and severe problems, a fragrance is in the nose of the wearer and if you don't like it where do you get off offering something else to anyone? Who made you the authority on what is good nor not for a person, as others have commented if you don't like the fragrance...too bad for you. Get a life sweetie!!!!

  • ELENA10/06/2005

    this isn't for everyone..everyone has different body chemistry and may not "work" for them.. i love it, but use lightly!!!

  • MRS. IRIS POSEY10/05/2005

    This frangrance may be fine for someone else, but not for me. I will be forever a Youth Dew woman. This doesn't mix well with my body chemistry. God created us all differently.

  • NIKKI09/29/2005

    Get a grip, I've always had people ask me what perfume I'm wearing because I smell so good. Maybe you've been drenching yourself in perfume and that's why you don't like it!

  • ALLISON R.09/23/2005

    Why are you so interested in women's fragrances? This scent is old and musky, and if you like it so much then you wear it!

  • SARAH09/18/2005

    I agree; wearing Obsession in 2005 is like teasing your bangs and spraying them up, perming the back and streaking it with little blonde streaks, adding shoulder pads to an already shoulder-padded suit, and thinking you're hot. Obsession was good in its day; now it's revolting. Same goes for Poison, BTW, and Opium, and Paris, and Shalimar, and Oscar de la Renta. Move on!!!!

  • MIMI08/20/2005

    Never liked this scent, I cant even relate the fragrance to anything except its like a powdery musky scent.

  • ERIC08/16/2005

    I'm tired of you and your kind battering one of my favorite scents for women. I don't care what you've found - Obsession stands up to any fragrance you've lost or found babe.

  • JAN06/27/2005

    Wore it for several years, but tired of it. Now, when I try it again, I wonder what I ever saw in it. I have found Fracas, and WOW...what a wonderful find. Nothing but class.

  • FRAGRANCE JUNKIE05/03/2005

    This is a warm scent, suitable for fall/winter. On me, it sometimes gets a bit too mossy, but otherwise I love it. The shower gel is incredible too; the entire bathroom smells heavenly!

  • REBECCA04/28/2005

    Every one always talks about how this has been around so long, and was created in the 80's. I'm 23 and So what, it's still one of a kind and a ground breaker in fragrance! I think people get some flashbacks or some kind of unreal trauma from perfume. It's just perfume, either like it, or choose another and move on. I've been looking for a really sexy,but not too strong perfume. This is great, I decided once I saw it in an old allure magazine. They said it was one of the sexiest choices made, so I'm trying out a tiny bottle. It will last me forever & yes it's still good perfume!

  • BREE04/01/2005

    Only wear Obsession if you've shaved your legs and washed the sheets. As I rotate several fragrances it took me awhile to make the connection between Obsession and my ability to attract guys. Maybe it's just because I feel sexier!

  • MEGAN03/08/2005

    I've never come across any perfume that instantly turns men on like Obsession does. It's spicy and intoxicating. Much better than floral scents as far as I'm concerned.

  • JUDI W.03/07/2005

    What are you talking about?? Women having to act in a particular way? I don't know about your life or experiences in the past but mine were good. A perfume doesn't affect my life or behaviour, I either like it or I don't. I don't wear obsession anymore just because their are others I presently like better not because it's from the past. You have issues...and don't worry about getting in an elevator with me, we will hopefully never cross paths. P.S. Most of the fragrances I wear, past and present, I get many compliments on and if someone doesn't like the fragrance I wear that's okay too. See ya...

  • ROBIN02/18/2005

    You're right, I shouldn't call it outdated, but it just makes me think of how women at that time felt forced to so behave in a particular way. It was a particular time and we had our reasons for being like that then, but and I can't imagine why anyone now, when you have more options, would still want to be so in your face and tasteless. Still, you're welcome to it, just don't get in an elevator with me.

  • AMEEU02/18/2005

    This can be very sexy on the right woman used in strict moderation, but more than a whiff and... blech! Instant flashback to the one night stands you wish you'd never had.

  • JUDI W.02/08/2005

    There's nothing more obnoxious than someone telling others not to like or wear something because it's "outdated". I am so sick of that statement. If you want to be "trendy" "updated" go right ahead, but don't criticize others who know what they like and can be comfortable in something that is a classic scent!! New isn't always better. Scents that are good are timeless...

  • ROBIN02/05/2005

    Are women still buying this? It was THE smell of the eighties, and I adored it, but talk about outdated. Now if I smell it, I want to run over to the woman and give her something, anything else -- maybe the new Realities by Liz Claiborne (not the old one; the new one that's tinted pale pink and smells like fresh pink peonies and persian violets) just to bring her up to the 21st century. Like someone said, if you love it as a sensuous scent (it is sexy, in a really overblown, overbearing way) keep it in the drawer of your bedside table. Just way, way too overt for the general public

  • CRIS02/03/2005


  • KELLY02/02/2005

    This is the only spicy & woody parfume that works with my body chemistry. I first use it 14 years ago and I still love and use it now. It turns me on from the time I spray it, and my bf who's very particular with smell thinks this is so exotic.

  • NEW ORLEANS AUTHOR01/06/2005

    Obsession is the only fragrance I wear because it simply smells wonderful on me. I have noticed that different fragrances work well on some and not others. It has to do with our chemistry, hormones, ph balance, other fragrances we have on (such as deodorant, hairspray, soap, laundry detergent, etc.) as well as our body temperature and the amount of bacteria on our skin. (Some bacteria is really good for us!) Anyway, I always get asked, "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? It's divine!" anything else I wear, no one even notices.

  • LEELEE12/26/2004

    this is a nice fragrance. i was complimented on it many times in just the 1 day i wore it. for some reason this scent makes me uncomfortable to wear. its too.....i dont know what. but it is a warm sexy smell. it is just not for me.

  • SHARRIE12/04/2004

    i am obsessed with obsession, awesome scent, tujrns my lover on, turns me on, an aphrophiasiac


    A lot of posts say that this scent is too strong...I disagree. It is definitely a winter scent and I only wear it when I go out dancing. I have been bought so many drinks wearing this perfume. Out of all the bodies in the crowd, men will single me out and ask me what I'm wearing and if they can engage me in a conversation. They continue to take deeply exhale through the whole conversation. And by the end of the night when I go home to my boyfriend, the scent has become faint enough to make him want to engage me in a whole other way.... Obession will keep them coming back for more.

  • RG11/19/2004

    I've always loved this fragrance on women. I find it quite sexy and alluring.

  • DREW MONGOVEN11/11/2004

    I have been wearing obsession for women now for years. I thought it was a dudes perfume, but I was duped. But hey, I have yet to meet a chick that doesn't dig it.

  • MLS10/31/2004

    I NEVER met a man who DIDN'T love it! Very sexy fragrance.

  • MONIKA10/16/2004

    Obsession has a very warm scent to it. I have it because it remids me of much happier days. My Mom gave it to me when I was a teenager. It was my first desiner fragrance. I have worn many other ones since then but once in a while I put on the Obsession perfume and It makes me feel great and close to my dead Mom. The perume will stay on you well into the next day. It's the best for evenings and for nights out. Very romantic.

  • TERESA R.10/06/2004

    this is good if your over 80 yrs old and it is winter and you spray it ONCE like 10 feet away...

  • INDERIKA09/25/2004

    This is just so boring and nondiscript. I never received compliments or inquiries when I wore Obsession.

  • CINDIE09/16/2004

    I used to like this back in the day. But, oh boy!!! Not now. I have to be in a certain mood to wear this and it's not that often. Too strong

  • ZHARA09/13/2004

    I do LOVE Obsession, so why am I asking this question: Are there any other scents like it out there? Tribu by Benneton? Chopard's Casmir? Aqaba? Love this rich, heavy, heavy, vanilla and wood drydown. This stuff is heavy and rich.

  • LAURA09/05/2004

    This is a warm and sensual fragrance. I get a lot of compliments when I wear this, especially from men. It MUST be put on sparingly or else it can be overpowering. On the dry down it becomes warm and earthy.

  • LINDY09/03/2004

    wow this is the stinkiest , most awful scent that has ever graced my nostrils.I would consider it a classic in its own way.

  • *SYLVIE*07/27/2004

    Obsession smells like warm and spicy cinnamon/vanilla cookies. Yummy + sexy. Great oriental fragrance. One of the very best. 5 stars - excellent. Obsession for ever and ever :o))

  • STU07/15/2004

    I really think it takes a desirable, sexually aware woman to wear this well to begin with, one whose skin can absorb all the sensuality of the fragrance. Those who don't fit this description wouldn't smell in this, something to do with no sex appeal. As for it smelling old, if something was made in the 1930's and smells good today then it just smell good. Obsession is one of those fragrances that stand the test of time.

  • DIANE06/29/2004

    I have never worn anything that gets me more compliments than Obsession. Especially from men. My husband loves it.

  • HAMPWIFE06/10/2004

    this stuff smell like something really really old like a dress your grandmother wore to church with perfume on it and didn't wash it, just hung it up in the closet with the mothballs for a couple of years!!!

  • MYA05/11/2004


  • FRANK04/22/2004

    My wife came home after applying some of this stuff and it actually made me sick. I made her take a shower before she got in bed because the stench almost made me vomite.

  • OHLALA04/13/2004

    This one works on men. I've never worn anything like this, and it's been my signature for the past 10 years. It's NOT for everyone; should probably have a warning. It suits women who are confident with their sexuality!

  • MELH03/23/2004

    I hate every Calvin Klein’s fragrance! Ok, Eternity is nice for a while and CkOne is not so bad. BUT all of these are very shocking perfumes as if the poor stylist wanted to shock people just in case we didn’t notice him and his clothes! As a consequence all his fragrances lack of balance. It’s ok to have a strong oriental-floral perfume on, but not smelling of bad herb-vanilla-stinky orange-randommixedflowers-and animalic all together! Obsession is like that. Maybe at the beginning it seems interesting, but on my skin it becomes unbearably pungent-sweet and nausea-causing! A friend of mine use to wash herself in it. It worked quite well on her, but still was very strong and gross!

  • BABA02/09/2004

    Men love this and women tend to hate it! Obsession is a frangrance thirty-something males seem to associate with that first girl in high school. Older males find it sensual. Women generally politely ask you not to wear it to the office! It is a very heavy fragrance.

  • ERIC01/28/2004

    Absolutely among the best. Luckily I can think for myself. It's funny the comments you read about having to be drunk or high or whatever if you like this. Luckily I could care less what anyone else here thinks, being an adult and living in a free society and all. I like it and that's really all I care about. I think those who don't something is wrong with you. So who really gives a shit what someone else here really thinks?

  • KEAHI01/22/2004

    I don't care if I smell like the 80's or if CK is an over-hyped, over-priced, unoriginal perfumer/designer. I don't care if my boyfriend/husband/ lover/ friends/ co-workers/ strangers think I smell like s@!t. Obsession makes me happy to be smelling myself all day AND it makes me feel sexy. As far as I'm concernced, that's all that should matter when it comes to perfume. P.S. for those of you whose main complaint about Obsession is that it comes on too strong, you should check out the sheer version. This is REALLY REALLY nice. I like it just as well (if not more)!

  • JOL12/30/2003

    I tried to like this because my husband has this but I cant never force myself to like this.

  • JSTAGRL12/24/2003

    I was an Obsession junkie when I was a teenager - I wore nothing else. It's a very spicy oriental with a lingering peachy scent, a nice fall/winter fragrance.

  • MANDY12/17/2003

    Its not my style. Too heavy, The fragrance notes combine in a way that is fairly cloying, to earthy.

  • RACHEL12/16/2003

    I love fragrance,and have all diferent kinds for all different occasions.Obsession,though is my all time favorite.It manages to be sexy,soft and fresh all in one.Not just for winter either,it smells great on warm summer skin!!.Fragrance tastes are so individual,like our taste in partners.What one person finds incredibly sexy,may not do anything for some-one else.But for me,obsession is the perfect balance of all I want in a fragrance.YUMMY!!.

  • ANNA12/09/2003

    no perfume smell the same on anyone, I happen to get daily comments on how good it smells from both men and women. Everyone has the right to their own opionion, but OBSESSION by Calvin Klein is a turn-on and a must have,,,, I TOTALLY AGREE

  • SYLVIE12/06/2003

    Love it, love it, love it. A great oriental, sexy + spicy perfume. A classic like Youth Dew, Cinnabar and Opium. Outstanding fragrance. I love the delicious cinnamon and vanilla in "Obsession". I have a nice collection of oriental perfumes (Tabu, Habanita, Shalimar, Nahema, Samsara, Hypnotic Poison and Dioressence). Obsession is one of the best. Very special and not for everyone. Soft, warm + spicy. A scent for very femine women with long wild hair. A belly dance oriental!!! ;-))) Maybe very nice on popular beauty "Shakira"...

  • ROSE11/29/2003

    I have been wearing this perfume for over fifteen years, I find it enduring and a good value. This is the only scent I wear. Even after all these years, I still get compliments, from women as well as men. I miss the shampoo. Glad the ads have gone off TV though, they were sick.

  • KATHY11/26/2003

    Don't listen to the good comments, believe me, it's horrible..the stuff smells like a cheap colegne for men...naaaaaasty! yuck

  • KRIS11/21/2003

    Obsession? It is the worst fragance I ever smelled... :(

  • SARAH11/17/2003

    This was all the rage when I was in high school - I can still remember it wafting down every corridor. I never liked this stuff. It used to make my eyes water.

  • ELAINE11/03/2003

    We all have different tastes,but it doesn't have anything to do with class.I happen to like Obsession,it is a bit strong,but I love it and wear it mostly during the winter months. My boyfriend loves it too.

  • BRUNA10/28/2003

    When I smell it, I feel horrible!!!!!! :( It gives me nausea...

  • RO09/28/2003

    Disgusting scent. How can anybody say it is a good perfume? It makes me wonder if a) they've drunk it b) they need something with a(n undeserved) "sexy" reputation to feel sexy.

  • SANDY07/14/2003

    This has been my signature fragrance for years. I have had more compliments on it and though I love other fragrances too, this remains one of my very favorites.

  • DEBORAH07/08/2003

    Not everybody is going to like the same thing, and that includes perfume. We all have different tastes and like different things. But to me, Obsession is the sexiest fragrance out there. I'm glad some of you don't like it, because we don't want to all smell the same! For all of you men and women who like Obsession, you have excellent taste in perfume!

  • MARY K.06/26/2003

    Ugh! This is truly nasty stuff!

  • MYLAAN06/17/2003

    ... Then, Obsession must be the reason why I'm an atheist.

  • ERIC06/13/2003

    This is truly the elixir of the gods. It's funny some of the things people say but this really is a great fragrance. Everybody won't smell great in everything, like for instance Curve for Men. Smells good on some, stinks on others although you still know it's Curve. Obsession for Women is so great and I find it hard not to want to eat the woman wearing this.

  • AURELIE05/23/2003

    I tried so hard to like it because it's cheap and available everywhere, so I thought it would have made a good "stand by" scent, the one I would reach for when I can't figure out what to wear. After reading all the messages here, (oh, my!), I made sure to be very light handed in the application. This is definitely not something to be poured on! ... And what a disappointment! Where is the warmth, the depth, the mystery? Where is the enticement, the ooomph, the aaahh? I realize this is probably just a chemistry thing, but my goodness, this is just terrible! My boyfriend's comments: "Is this your way of initiating a break up?" It's a pity, really, because the body cream has a wonderful texture, accented with tiny iridescent particles that do not flake off everywhere, it would be a pleasure to wear... If only it didn't stink of frosting gone bad!

  • NAKED CITY05/10/2003

    Perfumes are my "Obsession" I can see I am not the only "One" but to tell you the "Truth" your fragrances suck. When I try on your scents I see that people "Escape" could that just "Be" because of the stench?. PS: other names that come to mind "Enough" for men and "Apology" for women.

  • CHRYSTINA04/17/2003

    Definitely NOT day-to-day wear. It's elegant and great for special occations. It's warm scent should best be worn during the fall and winter season. It's seductive but dressed-up. All of the scents in the perfume blend together beautifully. Has an upscale subtleness about it. smells expensive and impressive.

  • LALA04/12/2003

    i loved it always will its a real seductive scent its everything u want if u like a strong warm scent :)

  • CRAIG04/08/2003

    Great fragrance for certain women, but not all. Could ya just leave Lola alone to her opinion and formulate your own opinions. It's gotten old.

  • KATHY04/03/2003

    the only perfume i buy for myself!

  • CHAR03/28/2003

    Lola, you obviously do not know the first thing about wearing a perfume scent. If you did you would realize that it doesn't take a lot of Obsession to go a long way. You are probably putting too much of it on and are drowning yourself in your perfumes. Perfumes are not to cover up body odor, they are to enhance the senses. You being a professional expert on perfumes should at least know that. I have worn Obsession for a long time and have had only compliments about how sexy it is and where can they buy it (whether it is for themselves or their girlfriends). Maybe you should learn more about a product and how to use it before you bad mouth it. Real MEN LOVE the sensual aroma of OBSESSION, LIKE IT OR NOT.

  • YVETTE03/15/2003

    to everyone that hates obsession: 1) dont buy it 2) get away from people that are wearing it **PROBLEM SOLVED** :)

  • SANDRA03/09/2003

    This is a great fragrance, warm, rich and incredibly sexy (on a right woman, as Eric said. Well, of course! ;-)). I don't like other CK's fragrances but I think Obsession is very nice. It is so conforting and soft and it lifts my spirits especialy in winter. It does'n change the scent on me even after many hours of wearing, it is very longlasting. My boyfriend think it is great and the scent with a "character". I've tried Must, as Lola who knows a lot about perfumes suggested, but Obsession is much better and different. Must is the other kind of perfume: formal and conventional, more for an office-wear, not at all sexy. Obsession is in a cetegory of sensual, sexy scents.

  • SHIRLEY03/08/2003

    Lasting fragrance that stays on throughout the day. Receive many compliments from men and women regarding this sexy scent. My husband is crazy about it

  • BRITTNEE MORGAN02/26/2003

    This fragrance is so warm and cozy it makes me want to curl up with my husband and kiss. He loves it too.

  • DAWN02/13/2003

    What a beautiful wonderful scent. I wish more of my family and friends wore this. It just smells so great. I believe everyone has their little opinions, but roach spray doesn't spring to mind when i smell this. Perhaps Olatz can bestow her/his fragrance wisdom on us all and tell us what actually does smell good.

  • OLATZ02/01/2003

    I just don't get people's obsession with Obsession! To me it smells exactly like insecticide (really, a can of Raid is alot cheaper). Unfortunately, two of my family members disagree and have made it their signature fragrance! I agree with the reviewer that advises not to wear it on a date. I will add: Please, please do not wear it to the work place either!

  • DOUGLAS01/09/2003

    Few fragrances can come close to smelling this great. Sexy, mysterious, desirous, rich ... just a few words to describe this wonderful smell.

  • CRAIG01/08/2003

    Yum. How good it smells on the right lady. Doesn't get no better than this.

  • ZALE01/06/2003

    It's one of those you immediately associate with that era. Lots of wearers; which is never a good thing, all of a sudden people associate you with someone else who wore that scent! Too bad...

  • YVONNE01/04/2003

    My boy friend loves this he claimes that it's such a wonderful comforting smell and he loves for me to wear it and I do occasionaly just to make him happy and also he has also been purchasing this for me for the past three years. To me it smells of cinnamon and cloves it's unique but not one of my favorites.

  • CARLOS 12/31/2002

    I just want to say this perfume RANK! i went to pick up a date and there is NOTING that smells more attractive then Happy or Cool Water, She opened the door and all I got was the gagging smell of this! I politely asked "your perfume smells really good, what kind is it?" and I hated Calvin Klien after she said Obssession, I'm sorry but this is strong and it should stay on your shelf, something lighter and sexier like CoolWater or Happy is much better.

  • GTHANG11/26/2002

    Obsession is still a good wintertime scent. It smells warm and sweet. Even with all of the trends that have come and gone, it still remains a steady favorite. It is very potent, and can be over done. Use it wisely.....

  • DEBBIE11/18/2002

    I you like Obsession, which I used to like as well, try Adrienne Vittadini by Adrienne Vittadini. It has the same spicy, Oriental notes, but is much softer and hypnotic, not so strong and harsh and it smells great as soon as you put it on. It is my all time favorite and I have tried dozens of different fragrances.

  • AMY V11/15/2002

    I love both versions. My hubby thinks he's too macho to wear cologne so I have to force him to wear the mens. Its the only one that really turns me on as well as Fahrenheit! Whoo its great! Can only be worn if you want to smell sexy! Brings back fond memories of rolls in the backseat of the mazda if you know what I mean!

  • MONYA10/24/2002

    I love Obsesion. I get compliments on it all the time. Especialy from Men. It is a purfume for a very sexy woman.

  • LOLA10/19/2002

    Were you looking for a man or a woman?Because for men,in terms of oriental blends,right now my favorite is Pi.(I change "favorites" often,it's a mood thing).For a woman,as you know I cannot hack Obsession,but if you look at the Must site,you can find out what happened to me with this one.Another that is awful on me but great on others is the new Donna Karan Black Cashmere.I won't go over the list of old classics,I'm sure you already know them all. Good sniffing!

  • ERIC10/18/2002

    The men fragrance stinks to me and i was hoping from something great but the women's version must smell real good since it has all those natural "essential" oils as you say and i know you as a woman of class and panache.

  • ERIC10/18/2002

    Tried Must by Cartier. Don't like it and gave it away, hoping it had a similar smell to Obsession which it really doesn't. Thanks for all your continued help. Peace and love.

  • LOLA10/15/2002

    ...At least 20 or so of my friends have compared Obssession to fish and other fish related smells...All kidding set aside,if you really want to sample a kick-ass ambery-oriental of top quality and class,you should try Must de Cartier.At first try,I was convinced that it was all wrong for me,but I was talked into trying it again.It's really cool.It has all the spice and amber of Obsession,but none of the harshness.It is also muskier,deeper,darker than Obsession,with a soft,pervasive, lingering touch that goes on and on. After a few hours Obsession falls flat and turns cold,but Must keeps on warming up,a bit like skin that keeps on being touched...Many people believe that Calvin Klein tried to copy Must with Obsession,and failed.Since Must came out first,I agree.Because Must is made of all natural essential oils,it does take a long time for the wearer's chemitry to bond with it.Oh,but when it does...Where I would compare Obsession to cheap,raunchy porn, Must is definitely pure eroticism in a bottle...Come on,Eric,be a man: Take a risk and learn something!At worst,you'll hate it,but at best,you might make your woman very happy indeed!

  • STEPHANIE10/08/2002

    I recently bought a mini Obession perfume. So freaking glad I did not buy anything larger than that. I really thought I would like the perfume, since I used to wear the Mystic Impressions or whatever it was, an imitation of the perfume, body spray and I really liked that. But the actual stuff just really doesn't agree with me. I have never felt sick or gotten a headache from fragrance in my life, but when I sprayed this one on, I felt slightly naseous and just icky. I couldn't wait for the smell to fade.

  • ERIC10/03/2002

    Try wearing tuna fish oil out of the can, that just might be the fragrance that fits your chemistry.

  • KEVIN10/03/2002

    This is love in a bottle. Some don't like it but they just can't wear sensual, exotic fragrances and have poor judgment. This makes you want to follow a woman wherever she goes.

  • MAYA09/27/2002

    I know I'm jumping into a frying pan, here,but I can't resist.I honestly think that Obsession smells like cough syrup,rubbing alcohol and decay.It has this dry-heaving effect on me that I find truly appalling.Why anyone would want to smell like that I'll never know,especially when there are so many high class,top quality perfumes out there.Oh well,to each his/her own,I guess...

  • CHRIS09/26/2002

    Definitely one of the world's most beautiful fragrances!!!!!! Beauty is timeless like this perfume.

  • APHRAEL09/23/2002

    I agree with Lola and all those of you who gave the thumbs down to this unbreathable stuff.If Calvin wants me to spend my money to make him rich,he's just gonna have to come up with something decent. Oh,and Eric:Obsession doesn't smell sexy,it smells desperate.Which is probably why some guys are so attracted to it:they smell an easy score and zero in on it.

  • LOLA09/20/2002

    By the way,"this is different from anything out there'?! You should get out more,and experience a few things,because every single one of Calvin Klein scents is a cheap,bad copy of another pioneer perfume that was created years before.He has NEVER come up with anything original.

  • LOLA09/20/2002

    What constitutes a "sexy" fragrance exactly? It's not the ingredients,but the effect the whole blend has on the skin of the wearer.Even a so called "clean",or "citrusy" fragrance can smell deeply erotic and sexual on the right person.Yet the scent of lemon can hardly be described as "sexy".F.Y.I,I love many different perfumes from florals to chypres to orientals,I wear Jean patou,Chanel, Guerlain,YSL and countless others, AS LONG AS THEY ARE CLASSY, HIGH QUALITY PERFUMES THAT HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY BLENDED BY PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE STUDIED PERFUMERY AND WHO KNOW THEIR TRADE. And Calvin Klein fragrances simply do not measure up.His jeans and underwear are wonderful,but he should have stuck to that.It's very obvious that his focus is more into marketing .Quality just isn't a word that I can associate with the synthetic Calvin Klein "fragrances".

  • GINA09/19/2002

    I love this fragrance. Can't call this fragrance or its ingredients revolting - just some of the ridiculous comments others have posted here. I love it, not altogether my favorite but I absolutely looooooovvveee it.

  • ERIC09/19/2002

    This fragrance is incredibly sexy and rich on the right women. Lola's body chemistry just doesn't wear sexy fragrances well. This is different than anything else out there and smells great. There is lots of stuff out there that smell nice as well, but this one certainly doesn't hurt my nose.

  • LOLA09/16/2002

    But we ARE wearing something much much,MUCH better.Something made without the cheap synthetic ingredients,something that doesn't smell like the cross between bug spray and toilet deodorizer,in short, something with more class and finesse than this nasal passage destroyer.AND something that was not designed by a team of chemists who never studied perfumery and who's only concern is to come up with the cheapest liquid possible and market it so that a maximum number of people will be paying zillions to smell revolting.But if you like it,then smooch to you,baby,it's all in the freedom of choice.Peace!

  • SINGH08/07/2002

    All the ughs and stuff is funny. As if all you obsession haters wear something so much better. Yeah right. This stuff is great. Don't like it then don't wear it.

  • SHARON ROSS08/05/2002

    If you're wearing Obsession, don't come near me. Ugh!

  • STU08/01/2002

    One of the best creations of all time. Of course Calvin Klein himself doesn't make the fragrance Lola, I'm certain you realize this. But this is TOO sexy. For those who don't like it don't buy it. If it doesn't fit your body chemistry don't wear it. Simple.

  • KAILEY07/30/2002

    I like this perfume because it reminds me of my best friends mom. She has always smelled wonderful to me eventhough I could never wear this because it doesn't work with my chemestry.

  • KATHY07/17/2002

    Possibly the worst smelling perfume of all time!

  • SIENNA06/25/2002

    Oh no. . . so I finally smelled Obsession in the dept store (I'm a sheer obsession fan). I couldn't bring myself to even put it on. It was so strong, and didn't smell anything like Sheer Obsession. . . oh well. Does it mild out when you've worn it?

  • NONI06/23/2002

    don't let your disappointment with most older ck scents keep you from checking out be frank i'm getting mine before the prices go through the roof. a sleeper.

  • SIENNA06/21/2002

    For those of you who think Obsession is too strong, try Sheer Obsession- it is lovely! At first you smell a little citrusy, but then it becomes a little sweet, a little fresh, a little spicy. It's great! It may not last as long as the regular Obsession, but I've never tried that. . .

  • JEANNIE STEFFES06/04/2002

    I tried some on just to try it out, hours later I could still smell the scent. It's such a sexy and sensual scent, yes it's a stronger scent (at first), but after awhile it blends with your own body and hmmmm.... I loved it from the first time I tried it on.

  • A.06/04/2002

    It's a nice perfume, but one in a line by several designers that all smell similar. If so many others weren't in to this scent, I might be persuaded to wear it.

  • CYNTHIA06/03/2002

    Obsession is a sensual fragrance. The scent stays true for hours, especially the actual perfume. I have taken showers and the perfume was still faintly noticable on my skin. The smell stays true, and is stronger scent, so only wear in evening or winter. Another good perfume to wear for evening activities like dancing, heavy mingling at a party. Not an over powering scent.

  • LOLA05/12/2002

    calvin klein should stick to making underwear.enough said.

  • H.05/06/2002

    Try "Roma" by Laura Biagiotti. More compliments on this than anything I've ever worn, and I've worn just about everything! Women I know who didn't even wear fragrance went out and bought this one. Women who love and wore only one fragrance complimented me on Roma. One man bought it for his wife he liked it so much. My sister, who rarely compliments "any" fragrance, liked Roma.

  • INESSA05/06/2002

    I simply adore Obsession, it has been my most favorite fragrance since 1993 - the year I felt grown up enough to wear it, - but due to its nature, I prefer to wear it only on special occasions. It's definitely not for office wear. Everybody, who loves this fragrance, will surely also enjoy: Sheer Obsession (NEW, Limited Edition 2002) - lighter, but with many of the same notes (finally something like the original, but suitable for everyday use!!!), Roma (Laura Biagiotti) - a lot in common, Moschino by Moschino (the classic one), Dune (Dior), Krazy (Krizia).

  • ALANA HOPE05/03/2002

    I have worn Obsession a lot and I still like it, but I am getting a little tired of it. Do any former Obsession users have a few suggestions for something else they liked. I tried Amariage and Casmir already without much luck.

  • STEPHANIE04/14/2002

    This is one of those scents that absolutely reeks of the eighties (that's not necessarily a bad thing). I have quite a few wonderful memories associated with this scent. Actually I enjoy the memories more than I do the fragrance itself. I really don't wear it much anymore, but I keep a bottle of it around and every now and then take it out and spritz a little of it in the air for old times' sake.

  • VICKIE03/07/2002

    Heavy scent that works best in cooler weather, but boy does it work. I have been using for more than 15 years. It is great!

  • LAURA03/07/2002

    I bought myself a bottle of this at Christmastime this year, and I get tons of compliments on it whenever I wear it. It's just a delicious fragrance. You do have to apply it very lightly, but it lasts for hours. Put it on well in advance of going out; it goes on strong and you don't want to bowl people over.

  • STEVEN TYLER02/27/2002

    My last lover wore Obession I search for another with such a taste.

  • STEVEN TYLER02/27/2002

    My last lover wore Obession I search for another with such a taste.

  • CONNIE02/20/2002

    I have been using for years ,I love it & every body ask me ,what have you got on it smells so good,

  • NIKKI01/31/2002

    I fell so refreshed when I put Obsession on my body.

  • TARRAS01/27/2002

    This stuff makes me sick whenever I smell it.

  • LILLY01/24/2002

    Smells like burnt rubber. It makes me ill.

  • ANDROMEDA01/20/2002

    My husband and I still love this '80's classic. It's the best perfume by Calvin Klein. Spicy, sexy, ambery and very seductive. I wish people didn't overdo it though 'cuz it's strong. You're not supposed to swim in it.

  • LISA01/19/2002

    For everyone who does not like the scent of Obsession, I must let you know that straight out of the bottle it has a lot more of a strong floral fragrance than it ever does on skin. Once it blends with my own body chemistry, the scent truly does become divine and sweet. Let it rest on your skin a bit and see what happens! I have worn Obsession for years and am in my mid twenties now. My sister initially said I smelled like an old lady, but now she has bought her own because I kept catching her using mine (and she's younger than I am--it's classic, not old!) The compliments really do pour in; I have a boyfriend from highschool who says that whenever he catches this scent on someone when he's out, it makes him shiver. He loves it. I like to spray a bit into the air and stand beneath it so that my hair gets a light mist of it. It's absolutely divine.

  • MARTA01/19/2002

    You have to be careful with how much you put on. if used with a light hand, on the right person Obsession has a mystical quality that'd very unique. Ciara, Coco, Vol De Nuit and Must de Cartier are the same way.

  • MEN LOVE THIS AND I DO TOO!12/29/2001

    I have worn this on and off since the 80s and it never fails. Its a great winter scent and summer evening scent. I really love the mens version too. It drives me crazy and its my favorite mens scent....

  • LIZA12/24/2001

    I love this scent! It smells sexy and men love it too!

  • AIMEE12/20/2001

    Holiday potpourri; woods; powder; men's cologne; warm; glowing; lemon; incense.

  • THE BOYFRIEND12/19/2001

    I am purchasing Obsession for my girlfriend for Christmas and started reading the comments. Sorry for the ladies who do not like Obsession as it it the total turn on to me to smell my lover with this scent. I can be on an elevator and smell Obsession and of course you know who I am thinking of.

  • GAIL12/06/2001

    This scent is gross.It reminds me of when I had morning sickness everytime I smell it!It makes me soooooo nauseated!

  • SANDY11/08/2001


  • CAROLYN11/08/2001

    I get stuck wearing it because my husband loves it but I think Obsession is so reminiscent of the 80's... and I feel outdated when I wear it. Although very similar in scent, I prefer Contradiction by Calvin Klein.

  • INEZ10/04/2001

    Also, I continue to get compliments.....all the time. I couldn't imagine wearing anything but obsession. Neither could anyone else imagine me wearing any other fragrance. i just wouldn't seem like myself.

  • INEZ10/04/2001

    I agree with the fact some of ck is weird..but for 15 years I have wore obsession. And I am no fun on the rare occasion I should run out. Thank you for this wonderful fragrance.

  • EVONE09/29/2001

    I agree with Jolene. I have never bought any CK fragrances, but have known others who like this one.

  • JOLENE09/28/2001

    I agree with the other responses -- about Calvin Klein fragrances not being very good. I hate Eternity, Escape, Truth, et al. But somehow, I like Obsession. It's warm, spicy and distinct. It's the only decent fragrance from CK in my opinion.

  • LORI09/27/2001

    Couldn't he come up with at LEAST one nice smelling fragrance..geeezz

  • L.F.09/27/2001

    Overpowering and GROSS!

  • NONI09/26/2001

    all of his fragrances are weird,expensive and loud. be honest ladies we all want are money back.

  • ELISHA09/16/2001

    This is not the case with obsession. :)

  • ELISHA09/16/2001

    Ok, how great is this perfume! It smells sooo good. I have heard that it is strong but when the fragrance dries it is soft, and smells very very good. I love the powder, lotion and bath gel. One thing that bothers me is when I buy perfume that comes with lotion and bath gel is that they dont smell exactly like the perfume. Its not that that smell bad just not the same. I would like to hear from anyof you that read this if they have experienced this.


    I'm a perfume junkie so I buy and wear pretty much anything I get my hands on. Obsession is one of my constants. And let me tell you, there isn't a man who's smelled it that hasn't come up with compliments and more compliments.

  • SUSAN08/28/2001

    I haven't worn Obsession for years, but after reading these comments, I remember how wonderful this one is. I received umpteen compliments. I worked so well with my chemistry. The perfect scent for the fall and winter months. I think I will have to buy another bottle for the upcoming season. The funny thing is I get headaches from certain fragrances, and even though I initially thought Obession was heavy it did not give me a headache. Actually smelled soft on me. Thanks for the reminder of this wonderful, now classic frangrance. Worth trying. Very, very sexy. Good things never go out of style.

  • PAM08/25/2001

    Obsession has been "my scent" for years! Just the aroma of it in the air brings back so many memories. I agree that it is a true classic.

  • DEBORAH08/18/2001

    Smells so deep and sexy, men are always commenting on this fragrance to me. I wear a lot of different perfumes, and this is one of only three perfumes that I get comments on (the other two are Cool Water and Red).

  • PAUL07/14/2001

    Just like the old 80's TV comercials use to say at the end... "Between love and madness lies obsession....oh the smell of it" So true, this scent can play such a wicked game on men.

  • CRISTINA06/20/2001

    There are several of us who are very sensitive to strong fragances. Obsession, while it smells great, gives me an instant migrane. The other perfurme I've run into lately that has the same effect on me is "First." Does anyone know if these two have the same fragrance base? I would like to know why they cause me to have an instant headache. Thanks.

  • DUNDERW10005/29/2001

    it's the only perfume I'll use!!!!

  • JEAN03/14/2001

    I have worn this scent for years and have never stopped receiving compliments on it! I just LOVE it!!

  • PATRICK CORDOVA12/16/2000

    Obsession is a lot like lagerfeld by karl lagerfeld. I highly reccomend obsession and lagerfeld.

  • CHARLENE TURNER12/07/2000

    I have difficulty finding Obsession cream without buy a set.

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