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Tommy Girl Tommy Hilfiger Image

Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Girl   

97 Reviews

Floral, Fruity, Green. Created in 1996, Tommy Girl is an elegant, floral fragrance. It is the result of the following top fragrance Notes: black currant, mandarin and spearmint. The middle notes are: cedar, apple blossom and jasmine and the base of the fragrance is: violets, oakmoss and sandalwood. Tommy Girl is recommended for daytime wear.

50 ml EDT Spray
SKU 0264
¥341.53 ¥268.79
21% Add To Cart
100 ml EDT Spray
SKU 0265
¥414.19 ¥334.19
19% Add To Cart
200 ml EDT Spray
SKU 99357
¥472.32 ¥392.32
17% Add To Cart

Floral, Fruity, Green. Created in 1996, Tommy Girl is an elegant, floral fragrance. It is the result of the following top fragrance Notes: black currant, mandarin and spearmint. The middle notes are: cedar, apple blossom and jasmine and the base of the fragrance is: violets, oakmoss and sandalwood. Tommy Girl is recommended for daytime wear.

  • PENDLETON PATTI12/05/2015

    I love this old fashioned "Tommy Girl" perfume! It is the best ever.

  • DEBBY GRAEBER11/06/2011

    Uggg... had to wash it off... major eye sensitivity to this very, very floral perfume.

  • COOKIE08/31/2008

    Tommy Girl is disgusting! Smells like furniture polish, room freshener, and a musty odor all in one. I almost threw up when the saleslady sprayed this "great" scent.

  • LILY06/18/2008

    I have worn this perfume for years and have ALWAYS gotten compliments which is why I will keep wearing it. It's not the greatest in my opinion though. At first the smell is almost too strong but it gets better as it wears off, the smell changes a bit and I love it on my clothes from say, yesterday lol Not sure about how long it actually lasts...I usually can't smell it after awhile but those around me apparently can even after several hours. And hey, I smell it on my clothes so that can't be to bad. Overall, it's a decent/good perfume.

  • REBECCA05/07/2008

    I'm not the same Rebecca who reviewed it below. I can remember 1996, when EVERYONE wore this perfume. The lasting power still needs an upgrade. The designer imposters even lasted longer. I love the fresh floral scent, but there are just too many perfumes out there I like more. If I got it as a gift, ok I'd wear it, but I don't see myself getting one soon.... Tommy girl does deserve it's place in perfume history though.

  • GREEKGIRL08/13/2007

    I dont own this frag but my niece wears it beautifully she smells so nice and springy im actually thinking of getting myself a bottle, i love when she wears this then i dont have to smell that horrible Cool Water on her, it stinks!

  • DEWY MIST07/03/2007

    I used to wear this scent more often, actually on a daily basis. I loved this scent. It works really well on my body chemistry. It's weird on others it does not smell the same and sometimes not in a good way. This scent is not too overpowering, very nice. I still like it but I just don't wear it as much.........

  • VICKY03/10/2007

    This perfume is really nice not too sweet but femenine enough for a girl.Unlikelly everybody wears it...its ideal for daytime boyfriend gave it to me as a gift back from a journey... but its a pitty that it doesnt last much (at least on my skin)

  • REBECCA03/06/2007

    This was one of my first fragrances! I love that it is very fresh and reminds me of springtime. It is fresh and light but lasts the whole day. It is a young fragrance but will always be one of my faves.

  • ANNIE12/01/2006

    I have put the bottle away in a drawer for ages and ignored it. Other times I will pull it out and think "Why don't I wear this more often? It's pretty nice!" I can't answer my own question. Maybe I hang onto it because I really do love the bottle. The fragrance is somewhat astringent to my nose, and you think it's going to be a light eau de cologne type scent, but it's actually quite tenacious and lingering. I think it smells good on me, but it doesn't rock my world. But that's ok, because not everything has to. Sometimes this is exactly the type of scent I'm in the mood for (but not often). By the way, I'm in my 40's, and I wear everything from very youthful scents to old lady classics, cheap to expensive. I just like what I like. :-)

  • NEETA10/29/2006

    a fresh fragrance, but i cant convince myself to wear it everyday.

  • LEE08/30/2006

    What is the difference between Natural deoderant spray and cologne?

  • RAJUL07/08/2006

    it has a tobacco like ingredient which is irritating ! i first smelt this on a friend i had invited for tea. in the heat and humid weather she came in like a breath of fresh air with this fragrance, so, i asked her what perfume she was wearing. yet when i started to use this perfume myself i noticed this tobacco flavour along with the freshness but i cannot handle that ingredient and it mars the pleasure of wearing this fragrance. as an earlier post said.....the price you pay for this is not worth it. at best it is like a refreshing splash cologne and not a classy perfume.

  • ANGIE06/23/2006

    I have always loved Tommy Girl. I used it years back and purchased it agian recently. I am in my 30's now and do not find it is just a 'teenage' scent like others have said on here. It is fresh and great anytime of the year or day.

  • KALINA06/09/2006

    I like it alot.. If i dont wear it for a while then try to use it, it always smells better..

  • ALLISON03/15/2006

    I used to smell this alot on people when it first came out, and it really grabbed my attention. So of course I had to own it. Could not wear it. There is something in it, that is almost gag inducing. Strong citrus notes along with others that make this a very heady perfume. Not my cup of tea.

  • 4-5-0003/09/2006

    this is the only sent closest to having you next to me. i keep a bottle of this and it brings back to good memories but no matter how good the memories are, it will never come close than to have you next to me (for that i know it will never come true because i lost you.)

  • LOVELY10702/01/2006

    i like tommy girl even though its not my favorite. it has a sweet smell thats not too mello and not too strong. i wear it usually when i get out of the shower and im not going anywear special.i guess it average

  • DIANE01/31/2006

    At first it sort of reminded me of tea. This is good because I love tea and tannins. It is fresh and up-beat. Does not last very long on me.

  • ROXOLANA10/20/2005

    I liked the smell in the store, got it for my birthday from my husband. First couple of weeks I wasn't too sure about it, but then it grew on me. It is good for everyday use, nice light scent... I probably won't be renewing it though... There are other ones to try.

  • MIMI08/20/2005

    smells youthful, bouncy, sweet, awake.Id say a summer day fragrance.

  • MARIO JUSTINIANI07/29/2005

    Make that your very young teenage daughters. About the same category as men's Curve, Joop or Aramis. Glad it's a clean scent. Otherwise eminently forgettable.

  • VAL05/09/2005

    The scent, which is cloyingly sweet to begin with, fades alomst instantly. You have to reapply it constantly, which makes it absurdly expensive. I tried it and tried it, hoping a) to like it and b) to be able to smell it for a few minutes after I applied it. Neither ever occurred.

  • REBECCA05/02/2005

    Wow, perfume really does take you back! I smelled this today and a whole wave of memories from high school came to me. Good thing they were all mostly good ones. 96 to 97 I think every girl in the u.s had a bottle of this stuff. It's fresh and clean, with a crisp to it. Feminine and really does smell good on most women. I bought a bottle of the 1.7, it's cheerful and it's still got it for me & I'm 23. I do have alot of the more edgy and top brands, but this is safe. You know it smells great all day long and lasts forever.

  • JANE01/26/2005

    I got Tommy Girl as a gift - I really like it - I probably wouldn't have purchased it for myself - but am glad that I have a bottle now because it works really well for me.

  • LEELEE12/26/2004

    this was a gift. i would have never bought this for myself, cause it seemed too "preppy". but i tried it and i fell in love with it. its a great scent. its 1 u can wear anytime at all, with a cute sweatsuit or a nice outfit. men love this scent too. young or old, this is great

  • JT10/24/2004

    I am very tired of seeing postings saying that you have to be very young, or a certain type of person to wear this scent. I say who cares how old you are or what genre you fit into, if you think it smells great on you then wear it!! I am not impressed by many women's perfumes out there, but this one is a great one. In fact, I am considering buying it once again (I used to use it way back when it first came out), and I am STILL impressed by it even with all the new perfumes out now, it is still right up there with the best of them! It really is a wonderful and complex scent... not exclusively teenage-ish at all. It even has nice woody base notes that complement the fruit. Great for day or evening and all year round. Stays on me well too. Give it a chance... if it goes well with your chemistry, chances are you will like it.

  • TERESA10/06/2004

    at first i got it cause it would look cute on my dresser(you know, showing off the tommy logo) but i really do like it, it smells perfect for a night out!

  • IRENE 08/04/2004

    I really like this perfume cause it smells great. If u spray alot of it u will get drowsy ,but that happens with all the perfumes. However sometimes u can't smell the perfume but that is cause u are already used to the smell, but don't worry cause other people can still smell it. If u don't want to get tired of the perfume u like, try different perfumes so u don't get sick of smelling the same way everyday. That way u will never get tired of the perfumes u love. Anyways TommyGirl Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) Don't be hating if u don't like it

  • TRISHA05/25/2004

    I've been a TOMMY GIRL since 2001 and still a TOMMY GIRL! =) I religiously spray TOMMY GIRL on me everyday!! The scent makes me feel ENERGETIC and RENEWED! =) Oh... I just love being a TOMMY GIRL!!!! =)

  • CARMEN05/22/2004

    a lot of ppl say tommy girl is too "teeny bopperish". well its made by tommy hilfiger, so its gonna be a scent that is made for in-teens and not goths or he-shes. it is a perfume for the a tommy girl, or the abrecombie & fitch type, not for people who are punks. so dont review this perfume if u dont fit the genera.

  • ME05/11/2004

    i love it! i've has it for a year and it's perfect for sunny days if you just want a light spritz of sweet mellow scent. its not overpowering and oldladish, but then its not too fruity and obnoxious. i just dont like the cream that much, it smells nothing like the perfume.

  • ME05/11/2004

    i love it! i've has it for a year and it's perfect for sunny days if you just want a light spritz of sweet mellow scent. its not overpowering and oldladish, but then its not too fruity and obnoxious. i just dont like the cream that much, it smells nothing like the perfume.

  • LIL MZ PLAYFUL03/25/2004

    tommy girl is a sweet fresh scent. i would recomend it for a day out. not for night time use. dotn apply to much ...might make ppl a lil 'ugh' did she apply enouf?????? 2 spays is good

  • ELLIE02/20/2004

    this is plain strong. perfume smells its best when worn lightly, yet this kind of fragrance ...oh so strong just not for me

  • LEAHA02/11/2004

    The first ever perfume i got, about 6 years ago, but i still love it. Everyone loves Tommy Girl, it's a perfume that smells good on anyone and everyone, no matter when or where!

  • BLACK SHEEP01/30/2004

    Thank you for the recommendation. It seems like a really nice perfume, and I'm determined to go find it as soon as possible.

  • ELISHA01/13/2004

    Hello, I suggest azzura by loris azzaro. it is citursy with a beautiful musky and warm sweet drydown. The sweet warmth that this scent has would be a perfect for winter.

  • BLACK SHEEP12/14/2003

    I'm looking for a slightly sweet perfume that's good for the winter. If anyone has a suggestion, I'd really appreciate it. (mainly likes citrus, but looking for something different)

  • BLACK SHEEP12/14/2003

    Tommy Girl is a great perfume, but a little goes a long way. Too much will definitely cause a chain of sneezes!! BEWARE.

  • GIRL12/14/2003

    This fragrance is fresh, sweet and full of class.

  • JEANIE12/11/2003

    I recently learned this from my skin doctor. I asked him "why does the same perfume I bought for myself and my girlfriend smell better on her than myself?" He said it was because we have diffrent body chemistry and diffrent levels of PH in our skin that sometimes changes the smell of the perfume. This is normal he said. Just find a perfume that is NOT affected by your PH level. Thats why they have testers on the counters in the mall. Spray on, test them out and then wait an 1/2 hour to see if it has changed the scent. This is how you find your perfect perfume. Happy shopping : )

  • SARAH 12/01/2003


  • JASMINE11/13/2003

    i just can't get enough of tommy girl point blank!

  • TAMMIE10/29/2003

    I bought Tommy Girl and wore it for a while, but quickly tired of it. I like Tommy Girl Jeans much better - a clean scent.

  • JEN10/27/2003

    Tommy girl has a scent that is reminiscent of mop water or mold that occurrs when a wet article of clothing is left in a sealed plastic bag

  • PEB10/27/2003

    I just bought the one oz spray and body lotion and shower gel and they are great, so fresh and clean smelling, it is very alluring.

  • PEB`10/23/2003

    This new version is so much nice, not as florally, and it has tangerine, grapefruit, and orange in it , I detect something spicy too, and very clean and fresh.

  • ERIN10/14/2003

    Seems like you either love it or hate it. On my best friend it smells wonderful, reminds me of our trip to Ireland because she wore it the whole time. BUT, I put it on and it turns sour. I want to shower to get the sink out. But if I smell my bottle I like it? Very odd.

  • MARY09/29/2003

    I can't tell if this smells more like b.o. or tennis shoes. It's an odd scent for sure.

  • PEB09/26/2003

    this new version of tommy girl is even nicer, has citrus notes in it

  • MAD MAGGIE09/21/2003

    clean, uncomplicated daywear. the biggest problem I have with this scent is, like Tommy's other fragrances, the only way to make it last is to re-apply, over and over again. next thing you know your bottle is empty, and you need to spend all that money on a scent that doesn't even last as long as Calgon. save your money, ladies.

  • LISA09/20/2003

    I love this one, even if it's popular. It must be popular for a reason! It smells fresh, pretty and sexy. It is strong though so be careful.

  • DENNIS09/07/2003

    If you want to be noticed, buy this one. You WILL be remembered. This scent just does something to a guy, unless he happens to be in a coma!

  • KELL08/31/2003

    Way too common. And I don't understand why. It stinks and its too flowery!

  • ANNIKA07/06/2003

    Hi there all, Well after some time of wearing it the fragrance dullens the senses and fruity subtlety turns out to be a pure bitch! Reminicent of surgery wash ...... enjoy this one you in-turns.

  • HEATHER06/28/2003

    I love tommy girl. i think it smells like a warm, summer flower.Buy it. It smells EXCELLENT, garenteed!!

  • ALEX06/21/2003

    I bought this perfume a year ago and I love it! The bottle has lasted ages and i love the smell of the woody undertones and fruity overtones

  • NATALIE06/02/2003

    This scent is very fresh and kinda smells like green tea. It's strong though, so I'd say spritz only on wrists, and a lil' behind the ears.

  • BRITTNEE02/26/2003

    This smells like weed to me. The men and women's versions. Also, it's way too common. I have perfumes that you know everyone else is going to smell like. Overpriced and teeny bopperish.

  • LITTLEDEVIL01/06/2003

    It's fruity citrusy and clean smelling Smells mainly like oranges and sandlewood. The notes are supposedly mandarin, tangerine, apple, blackcurrent, spearmint, sandlewood, cedarwood. I've been reading comments about it being "too strong". One or two light spritzes in the air which you walk through is enough. You shouldn't feel "wet" on your skin, just a light misting. It is strong and it lasts, but the composition isn't "heavy" in any way. It's very much a trendy young fragrance and suitable for younger teens. They love this stuff, as well as Ralph by Ralph Lauren and Elizabeth Arden Green Tea. I keep seeing younger girls at the fragrance counters for these and Tommy Girl, gushing "ooh that smells nice".

  • LISA12/14/2002

    A little bit of this one goes a long way!

  • GRACIE12/11/2002

    I really liked this at first, like Mary said its appeal wears off fast. The more I smell it I think Grapefruit. Its okay I guess for teenagers, but older women need a little more sophistication. It definitely should not be worn be the over 14 crowd.

  • BB12/07/2002

    i am a calm happy person, but when i smell tommy girl, the beast wakes up and i am like a woman possessed. i want to punch holes in the walls, hurt people and squash small kittens. maybe if the women who wore it would use it sparingly instead of wallowing in it, well, maybe it would only make me cranky instead of murderous.

  • JESSICA11/26/2002

    My husband got this for me. Way to strong! My sister likes it though and when we went out shopping I couldn't wait to get home. I felt like I had to throw up from smelling it all day!!

  • KIJONES11/13/2002

    i love tommy girl. whenever i'm going out i gotta grab the tommy girl, it makes people be like damn, who is that smellin like a princess.

  • SWEET GIRL10/18/2002

    makes people heads turns

  • DAWN10/18/2002

    I liked the way it smelled on me in the store so I bought it. I even liked it for awhile and wore it but after a couple of months it got old and I didn't like it anymore. It's more of a chemical smelling perfume than floral, oriental, citrus, etc. Definitely don't like to smell it anymore.

  • SWEET GIRL10/16/2002

    when i walk in the room people say what smells so good

  • DANNIE10/14/2002

    It attracts alot of attention.

  • JENNIFER09/17/2002

    I've gotten so many compliments on this perfume!

  • EMMA09/13/2002

    i think tommy girl is the MOST best smelling perfume out there! Tommy Girl and Candies are at least.. defintley get it! it kicks ass!

  • ANNA08/20/2002

    I really love this scent. It's too bad I have a weird body chemistry. Everytime I put this on people think that I've been drinking. It smells great on everyone else, but for some reason it smells like beer on me. lol

  • ALLISON07/26/2002

    My absolute fave! People always ask me What are you wearing? And it lasts ALL Day!

  • STEPHANIE07/04/2002

    Tommy Girl is the absolute best. Addictive. ;) My fav.

  • MARY06/11/2002

    I received Tommy girl as a gift,together with the body lotion and the shower gel...well at first I liked it..I guess because it was a new thing..but I,honestly,got tired of it fast!As far as now..I can't even wear it..I just cannot stand its scent..too citrusy and too overpowering...I do get a headache when I smell it.

  • ROBYN05/15/2002

    I love this scent. Everyone should know by now that perfumes don't last as long as we want them to. This is because they're made with alcohol and alcohol is dries up quickly. The scent lasts but fades after a few hours as with all perfumes. But is smells soooooo good.

  • KRISTAN05/14/2002

    I liked tommy girl when i got it for christmas one year but then i kind of started getting tired of it ill useit every now and then though but it is still one of my favs now that i dont wear it every day..

  • FRANCESCA05/10/2002

    smells too cheap and coomon.This is not a perfume for a elegant sexy ,sophiticated women!!! PLEASE get over those citrusy smelling fragrances!!!!!!

  • MOLLY05/09/2002

    this ia a very casual fresh scent and it lasts long

  • KINDA STINKY04/30/2002

    Smells like something I would've worn in junior high school. It's really tart and fruity, like pineapples and apples mixed with too high a concentration.

  • JENNIFER04/17/2002

    This scent is pretty typical. It reminds me of a something a teenybopper would wear. If you're looking for the typical, frou-frou, flowery/citrusy scent, then you might like this. However, if you want something a little bit sexier or more sophisticated, look elsewhere.

  • ASHLEY04/09/2002

    i really didn't think this scent was very good at all!!! :( ~~

  • HILDIE04/05/2002

    Tommy Girl is nothing special. It smells like a million other scents, kind of citrusy, like Windex or something. I guess it's okay if you're under twenty. I would imagine younger boys liking this one too, but really it's pretty ordinary. Nothing striking, nothing great.

  • ELISHA04/03/2002

    I think that this perfume has a very generic smell. There are many citrusy perfumes out there. Citrus smells belong in cleaning products unless it is a fragrance called azurra by loris azarro.

  • DARLENE03/21/2002

    I like the scent alot, but it just did not last on me!

  • SCOUT10002/19/2002

    This stuff does smell good. The drawback and possible turn-off for many of you is that you have smelled it on teenage girls who have showered themselves in it. A little goes a long way.

  • JUDY02/09/2002

    this is very nice,to go to school,to the gym maybe,it is comforting and relaxing,very nice

  • DAWN02/02/2002

    I just discovered this fragrence this week! A friend of mine introduced me and now I cannot wait to get my own! Marvelous!

  • LISA01/31/2002

    i've been wearing tommy girl for almost 3 years. i love it! it's all i wear. it's light, it lasts and it's feminine. how could i go wrong.

  • ERIC01/28/2002

    When I walk by a lady wearing Tommy Girl my endorphins go wild! Come On Ladies .....Splash it on! PLEASE!!!!

  • MINNIE01/26/2002

    I have to disagree with the comments of this being a little girl perfume. I am 29 and wear this perfume on the days when I am feeling sporty or am dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I think that it smeels great and people seem to like it. In fact, I have had honest friends tell me that they like it and have purchased it for themselves. I do agree that it can be strong but you only need a spray or two and it lasts all day. That in my book is a good thing because then I don't have to worry about reapplying or wasting it. I will continue to wear this as long as it is around(which I hope is a long time!!).

  • PAUL01/25/2002

    I'm picky when it comes to girls, let alone there perfume. But I'll tell you this one thing. This perfume will even atract me to an unatractive girl

  • NILSA01/06/2002

    Right now, it's my favorite!

  • LIANE12/31/2001

    This fragrance is citrusy & sporty. I prefer a more floral scent myself, so I rarely use it.

  • RITA12/31/2001

    It's a nice, pretty, fresh scent I suppose, but there are many other perfumes out there that smell exactly like this one. Also, it's so girlish and young (hence the name, "Tommy GIRL") that I think it's more of a teen scent and unsuitable for most people over eighteen.

  • LINA K.12/29/2001

    I'm from Europe, and somehow I found this idea of TommyGirl very good: If I am correct, all flowers in this scent are growing in America. I could very well imagine a patriotic American lady wearing this scent.. I like it myself. It's fresh, floral and strong. One does not have to use whole bottle in order to smell good. I don't know - the impression I've got is that this is a wonderful scent for ladies maybe from 16 to 35-40. In a way girlish - in good way. I could see myself wearing this perfume atleast for one bottle. But I am not sure if this would be my all time favourite.

  • AMY12/15/2001

    Nice, but as stated in previous messages, you only need a little -- just two squirts and it lasts all day.

  • GAIL12/13/2001

    Very, Very strong, and it lasts forever!! I put too much on one day, and ever since I can't wear it! What a waste.

  • AMANDA12/12/2001

    Just like sex, this stuff is over-rated.....

  • ANNIE12/01/2001

    I used to like the smell until I met this one girl. She sprayed so much on that we could smell her coming!! To those who wear this scent - please have mercy. It's a strong scent you don't have to take a bath it in. The less you put on the better.

  • D11/30/2001


  • HI11/13/2001

    You mean thats all I wear

  • LUCY10/25/2001

    I can't find any better one for girls to wear!

  • SUE10/21/2001

    I Love it.Thats all I were.

  • LYNNN10/19/2001

    Tommy Girl smells great nice and fresh perfect to wear when you want to smell fresh.Last all day it is wonderful!

  • LORI09/26/2001

    This is not a great scent!!

  • AMY07/23/2001

    Too much of a woodsy smell. Smells like trees, grass and dirt.

  • SHARON07/03/2001

    I enjoy this perfume, I get a lot of great compliments, it smells fresh and lasts all day.

  • MISSY07/01/2001

    The scent is casual and flowery, but can be too overbearing. I agree that there are better perfumes out there.

  • NANCY05/22/2001

    Far too trendy and way overrated. There are much better ones out there that are more likely to stand the test of time.

  • MARE03/14/2001


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