Go one step beyond any clean you've ever know with Jean Nate After Bath Splash. Refresh, renew and revitalize your senses with this lightly scented citrus splash. Enriched witha Moisture Replenishing Complex of Vitamins E, A and Aloe Vera to help leave your skin sleeker, smoother and softer. The perfect finish to bath, shower or a great pick me up ...read more
30.0 oz After Bath Splash
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$29.00 $19.99
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Gift Set - 8.0 oz After Bath Splash + 8.0 oz Hydrating Body Lotion
SKU 18893
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$35.00 $27.99
1.9 oz COL Spray Concentrated
SKU 5624
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$39.00 $37.99
15.0 oz After Bath Splash
SKU 12897
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$21.00 $19.99
2.25 oz COL Spray
SKU 5942
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$20.00 $19.99
6.0 oz Body Powder w/ Puff
SKU 5943
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$21.00 $19.99
8.0 oz Bubble Bath
SKU 6241
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$12.00 $9.99
8.0 oz Afterbath Splash Mist
SKU 10953
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$20.00 $19.99
30.0 oz After Bath Splash
$29.00 $19.99
31% | Add To Cart |
Go one step beyond any clean you've ever know with Jean Nate After Bath Splash. Refresh, renew and revitalize your senses with this lightly scented citrus splash. Enriched witha Moisture Replenishing Complex of Vitamins E, A and Aloe Vera to help leave your skin sleeker, smoother and softer. The perfect finish to bath, shower or a great pick me up in the middle of the day - just splash it on anytime anywhere...It's Clean Nate.
jean nate' spray cologne concentrate. The best. I hope Revelon starts to make it again. I have used it for 30 yrs. Have not been able to find it for 10 yrs. Help.
This is exactly as I remember! The scent is light and uplifting - and the bottle size is enormous. Forget about this not being the same formula as in the past....it is the same.
great it took me back to the 70's where i used it quite liberally. thanks
I was so excited to find I could purchase Jean Nate body splash on line as I have not been able to find in in store in Australia. I absolutely adore this product and use it liberally in summer to cool down after a shower. The perfume is also delightful. I highly recommend this body splash.
I love this bath splash! I was gifted this when I was a 13 year old by my auntie, and I felt very grown up! It brings back very nice memories and just smells fresh and clean! I can come home from a hard day at work, shower and use this liberally and I really feel refreshed! Also, I found to my delight, that if used on a sunburn, it keeps the peeling down. Something about the vitamin oil in it helps the skin heal, at least it did mine. I LOVE IT!
I am in agreement with all the die hard Jean Nate consumers. I bought a large bottle as I had done for many years. Weeks later I opened the bottle after finishing what I had in an older bottle. I filled my spray bottle with what was in the new bottle. I sprayed it on my shoulders as I always had done and almost gagged. I thought it was a bad bottle. No receipt from the first bottle so I bought another and it was the same thing. I suggest to people that they go online and type in "Vintage Jean Nate Charles of the Ritz". THEY are the ones with the actual original formula. Charles of the Ritz is printed on the back of the bottles that will insure you of the right formula. Revlon seems not to care about what consumers think. They still advertise "Original Formula" when it is not. The formula changed in 2007 by adding a moisturizer. Now it smells like a swamp. I also suggest a letter to Revlon telling them you want the old formula back!
With summer right around the corner, I decided to get a bottle of Jean Nate because of it's crisp, fresh scent. UGH! It smells nasty and cheap! Worst $16.00 I've ever spent. What did Revlon DO to a great product?! Mine is getting returned tomorrow. It's gross.
I found an old bottle of this stuff floating around in a box I had in storage. I knew Revelon was not the original maker of this perfume. It was Charles of the Ritz. In its day this was kinda expensive unlike some of the comments on here about it being cheap and low class. I am 62 years old I remember the 70's quiet well. I bought this stuff in Brooks Department store and my old bottle still had a 10 dollar price tag on it and in the 70's that was a mint.
They have RUINED Jean Nate bath splash. The original Charles of the Ritz Jean Nate was just wonderful, but what is available now that Revlon has bought the Jean Nate brand is just HORRID. Heartbreaking disappointment.
My rating is for this "reformulation" that seems to have happened that Beb alluded to. Old version= ***** I don't know what Revlon did, but now Nate has this bitter, sharp note in it that slaps you in the face-almost as if the scent has gone "off" even from a brand new bottle. I am referring to the larger splash/spray bottles, I'm not sure if the concrentrated cologne spray has been affected. I have tried 2 different bottles just to make sure it wasn't just a random bad bottle. My advice would be to test before you buy. I think I'll be emailing Revlon to see what is going on!
Doesn't smell fresh anymore...They added Castor Oil ...gives it an oily awful smell...I used it for over 20 years.....I am now looking for a replacement...
What have they changed in Jean Nate this past year (2007). I've used for 35 or 40 years, but now it is cheap smelling. Please change my old standby back to the way it has been for half a century!!! I'm recommending 4711 as a replacement.
This is good if you like people to think you have been cleaning and working. It smells like Lemon Pledge and of course thats so attractive. I am sure Paris Hilton rolls in this scent to attract some handsome rich millionaire tycoon.
The scent has changed -- so disappointing-what a shame. What was fresh and uplifting is now musty almost stale odor. Please manufacturers of late -- go back to the original formula. Keep this up and you stand to lose this once fine product.
I love this stuff, I used to really like back in the 70's when my kids were little.
I used to love this back in the 70s when I was young - everyone seemed to have a bottle. I used to be a dancer, and we would splash this on after a grueling class. I remember it being refreshing and uplifting. I'll have to try it again for old time's sake. ;-)
Seems to me that the Jean Nate' of today smells different from what I remember.? Does anyone know if the formula has been changed? Seemed to be a much "clear" smell years ago, although it's still nice...just seems like something is missing.
Glad I inspired you! Enjoy! I'm still wearing my Jean Nate here every now and then when the mood hits me. I just like it. What else can I say. :-)
I just posted on the Revlon Charlie board about the fact that back in the day, every scent did not have to be designer. You could wear something delightful like Jean Nate and you smelled great and nobody cared if it was not pricey. I say we would all overcome our Jean Nate Shame!! Just think of all the women out there paying top dollar for things that don't smell half as good! As a protest to the price of designer scents these days, I am going to revisit this summer, not only this one but a few other old faves as well. What fun!!
Well, you have inspired me! I too, shall buy a "big old tacky bottle" of this stuff and douse my self liberally all summer just for fun and old times sake! I love it too. It's like a yummy aftershave for women :)
Some years back I found the most delightful body spray by J.N. called NATE NATURALS - BOTANICAL SPLASH - FREESIA. Is it still available or anyone know of anything similiar? I'm in Australia. I found a second bottle a couple of years ago in a little country town chemist - but since then - nothing!
I love jean nate products and the one i have been missing very much is fresh musk, can someone tell me where i can find it?
Instead of Shaun Cassidy and Susan Dey, wasn't it David Cassidy? I'm thinking of The Partridge Family, but maybe you are talking about something else.
Still loving the Jean Nate. I have the concentrated cologne. I found these notes somewhere after searching. I can't verify whether they are true or not, but it is a more complex fragrance than just citrus. Fragrance Notes - Lavender, Jasmine, Rose, Carnation, Lily of the valley, Cedar, Tonka, Musk, Sandal. I'm pretty sure I can detect the lavender and lily of the valley. So now that I'm over my snobby shock that I fell for this drugstore cheapie, I sincerely recommend it as a nice summer zesty fragrance.
I can understand some of the negative reviews ("you must be joking!"). I had to laugh because that's exactly how I feel when people carry on about Tabu. I just rediscovered Jean Nate at the store today after a million years and, I don't know - maybe I'm nuts today - it smelled so great to me I couldn't stop sniffing my hand. I tried a spritz of the cologne. It fades fairly quickly. I will definitely be buying some for summer -- a big ole tacky bottle of it that I can splash on like crazy. And I'll probably buy the powder, too. I wish I knew what the precise notes were. All I could find were "floral and spicy". And elsewhere, "citrus". I'd like to know more. One site recommended Jean Nate as an elegant evening fragrance, lol! Now that is pretty funny - but hey, why not?
About 30 years ago, went to visit my aunt and she had the lotion, dusting powder, and bath splash, and boy did I indulge in it. Not only is it pleasant, but it brings back memories of my aunt who still uses it. She made me a user.
Got the 30Oz splash, and body moisturizer. It's fresh, lemony and citrusy and not too strong. Great going.
saw this at the grocery store...huge bottles... sounds like this splash was the god mother of all things "cucumber melon" and "sweet pea". didn't get a good smell of it, though.
I am a plus size model,so Iam privy to some of the newest things that the beauty industry has to offer. It never fails before a a big show if there are new people working with me that have not in the past they Always tell me how "yummy"I smell. And like clock work they are ALWAYS surprised when I tell them I am wearing Jean Nate'. Thanks for a great old friend!!!
I am a 19 year old plus size model, I can remember smelling the after bath spash at my grandmas house, as a child. Now as a youn adult in the beauty industry,ppl are always telling me I smell devine!!!!!. They are ALWAYS surprised to hear that I am wearing Jean Nate'. I loved it as a child and love it as an adult!!!
I loved Jean Nate back in the day! I don't think Revlon was the orignal manufacturer though. The bottle was black and yellow. It was quiet exclusive in its day and could only be purchased at finer stores and pricey for its time. It was the "start" of the bath and body works craze. I had the soap, powder and body splash. It was really good. I remember mom buying it for us along with Vitabath (back when body wash was unheard of) I remember trying to save it for "good" using it only on special occasions. I loved the lemony-goodness and the clean refreshing scent. I remember as the time passed I liked Babe and Love's Baby Soft. I think Love's had some lemony product too. I like grapefruit fragrances too. We would wear our bell-bottoms and dip our whole body in Jean Nate and think that we were the coolest people. I think I read in a teen mag (back in the 70's) Susan Dey wore this stuff and Shaun Cassidey loved it. I don't know if it was true but we would play our Shaun Cassidy albums and dream he loved our Jean Nate. Now that I am a old lady I still like wear in and think about the old days.
I secretly wear this scent- if my family knew that a 28 year-old was wearing a scent my great-aunt used to- they'd laugh. I love it, it is clean and refreshing. A good place to look for J.N. products is on ebay- that's where I buy mine. Enjoy!
Love this cologne. In addition to spraying my body, I spray it in my hair and have had so many comments about how lovely my hair smells. I always feels as though I just stepped out of the shower with this fragrance. I have many colognes and parfums, including Opium and Joy, but this is the one I wear on a daily basis.
this stuff is still around??? It brought tears to my eyes eons ago because it stunk so bad. Truthfully, I do wish I liked it because I would appreciate a nice inexpensive, though good-smelling product. Like Yardley Spring Rain, or Love's Lemon.
I think the dry down is very pretty and clean smelling. Some people have a mindset that if a scent doesn't cost a lot that it doesn't smell good ... and then again ... to each his own.
This is the best after bath product that I have ever used. I get so many compliments when I use jean nate and my perfume together. The only problem that I have, is that I have a hard time finding it. Please tell me where to find this heavenly jean nate.
My mom received an enormous bottle of this for her wedding anniversary 30 years ago. That says it all. She still has it sitting in her bathroom corner with dust and mildew on the bottle. It has to be one of the tackiest, oldest, most cheesiest fragrances out there. Why oh why anyone would waste a red cent on this stuff is beyond me.
I have been using this since the '70s and I cannot buy this anywhere in Canada. I am not happy about this and I have been trying to conserve my little bottle. I guess I will have to order it if I want more.
JN is a wonderful scent, for those who aren't intimidated by snobs who don't know what a good scent is and can only judge by how expensive something is. I loved it 30 years ago and still do.
I was a closet J.N. user during high school in the 70's because of its cheap, dime-store reputation. I adored the after-bath splash and dusting powder - they made me feel so fresh and invigorated! I have since come to realize that if you discover something so delightful...for a song...you should consider it a Godsend! J.N. is for individuals who know what they like, and indulge to please themselves. Nobody will be impressed, but who cares???
I started wearing this back in the early 1970s and found it to be a fresh, clean, citrusy delight. My 13 year old daughter now loves and uses it nearly exclusively. With the after bath splash you don't have to worry about overdoing it.
I must say I'm surprised there are so many positive comments about Jean Nate. My friends and I have made fun of this bathroom cleanser-esque "fragrance" for years and years. I'm not saying it's the worst smell on the planet, I'm just suggesting that any fragrance you can buy in enormous 30-ounce plastic bottles for under $30 is one to be very, very seriously reconsidered... unless you enjoy smelling like Windex.
This was the run off scent from the original. It was blue with a citrus(y) scent to it. Can't find it anywhere....any suggestions?
I've loved this fragrance for years. It is getting very difficult, next to impossible at times to find the accessories of Jean Nate. I am trying to find the bar soap. I know they used to have it. Any suggestions?
I am trying to find a Jean Nate' body cream or lotion too. I had it years ago, and I loved it, especially during the summertime. Another thing: is it just my imagination or does the present-day Jean Nate' smell different from years ago?
I've loved this fragrance for years, but it's becoming harder and harder to find. I'd really like to get the body cream again, but I notice it's not even sold on this website. REVLON -- wake up!
There was another Jean Nate' a few years ago I just loved that one but can not find it anymore would love to find it somewhere. It just was great. Anyone know about this.
This is a very amazing fragrance it's so cheap, but has such a french smell to it, it reminds me of my grandmother before she passed, it smells similar to her scent, it's so clean and great smelling at the same time..
This is so fresh, clean, and citrusy, yet, over the years Jean Nate has had it's critics. Some women tend to look down on it because it is an inexpensive fragrance. I first used it back in the 70s and fell in love with it. It brings back beautiful memories and I have never stopped loving it. It's staying power is amazing. You splash it on after your morning shower and you can still smell the clean warm scent in the afternoon. It's a great pick me up and is great in any weather (never overpowering).
This is an inexpensive cologne that I've received compliments on for the last 26 years. It's fresh, clean and light. A good daytime scent which truely lasts all day.
Jean Nate is a clean, citrus-y scent that I have loved for over 20 years. I first received it as a gift and didn't think I liked it at first as it was very different from the scents I usually wore. After a short time I really began to appreciate it and have never gotten sick of it. If you get a chance, try this scent. You will love it!
I loved this stuff since I was a kid along with Love's Baby Soft (which I have not seen on this site) and Babe. Very 70's very good years.